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  1. #1
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    Default Cleaning without Disassembling

    I just picked up a few old razors at an antique store in town. They're in decent shape overall.

    But they have some rust around the pinned part of the blade. Not sure what the actual term is.

    Is there any effective way to clean it without taking them apart? I'm just trying to avoid any more work that I have to do because they're in pretty good shape with the exception of the black one. It could use a new set of scales and a wedge.

    and what's the best way to clean the ribbed part? Haven't found any good ways to get it yet.

    The engravings from top to bottom are

    Imperial Razor Warranted Registered 20507 Germany

    Boss Trade Mark A.W. Wadsworth & Son Germany

    Adoration Hand Forged 295 Giesen & Forsthoff Solingen-Germany
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  2. #2
    Large Member ben.mid's Avatar
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    I just fold some wet & dry up try to be patient. The smooth side is easy, but the jimps can be awkward. You might find that you have to make a compromise to keep the scales on.

  3. #3
    Just a wanderer on this journey mkevenson's Avatar
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    Lynn's DVD shows how he does it. I think he uses a dremmel with an appropriate brush, can't remember which one. I use Maas, cover the affected areas, then brush with stiff tooth brush or other small stiff brush. It's slower than the Dremmel but I don't have one.

  4. #4
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    Check out the thread I started under this forum called "re pinning and scales " o something similar. Smythe has a great post on cleaning with scales on, especially cleaning the scales. It works very well.

  5. #5
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    Yeah, I have Lynn's DVD, but I just watched the first part of it.

    I kind of figured I would have to take them apart to get it done right, but just wanted to make sure there wasn't a way around it.

    I'll try the Dremel, I have the wire brush/wheel. I've been using sand paper and steel wool so I never thought about it.

    Any particular Maas products recommended? I'm getting ready to start supplying a workshop for it.

  6. #6
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Is there any effective way to clean it without taking them apart?
    I use Ballistol for that. It was originally designed to clean guns and be applied to minor wounds and cuts, so it is an excellent cleaner and skin friendly at the same time. I've used it on many different scale materials without any problems at all. In fact it seems to improve the appearance of natural materials quite a bit.

    I just give the razor a nice coating inside and out. Then let it sit for 8 hours or so. Then wipe down inside and out. If stubborn spots remain, then I put some Ballistol on a scotch-brite pad and rub softly. Sometimes a really grungy hinge pin might need another drop of oil.

  7. #7
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    Would that be ballistol lube or sportsmans oil???

    I'm assuming the oil but just double checking.

  8. #8
    Just a wanderer on this journey mkevenson's Avatar
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    The only Maas metal polish I have seen I got at an antique store. I have used Moms chrome polish from an auto parts store. They both work for me but the Maas is a pretty pink, and a bit thicker consistancy.

  9. #9
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    For cleaning the jimps on razors I either use a steel or brass bristle parts brush, just a toothbrush but with metal bristles...
    A Dremel and wire wheel works faster, but don't mess up if the scales are still on like yer asking about...

    Around the pivot a few things in combination work wonders, some 600-800 grit sandpaper can get in there and the wide dental floss really works well with MAAS, I always use a penetrating type oil first in the pivot to loosen stuff up...

    For just the rust on the top and bottom of the tang in between the scales a folded piece of 600 grit will get to it
    Last edited by gssixgun; 02-26-2009 at 11:24 PM.

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  11. #10
    BHAD cured Sticky's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gatesy View Post
    Would that be ballistol lube or sportsmans oil???
    Both of those are the same stuff. I have the one labeled Sportsmans Oil.

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