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  1. #11
    New Collector wireless00's Avatar
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    What are these mops that you speak of? This isn't some real collectable razor, but it is one of the first that I have bought, so there is that sentimental value. I'm just looking to pretty it up as best I can without destroying the etch.

  2. #12
    Member Thechef's Avatar
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    They are buffing mops that fit to a bench grinder and you use a different compound grit upon each one and work them down in grade until you reach the final polishing mop and by that time it will shine like a dew drop in the sun.

    I use them to restore all old razors and they were worth every bit of the money I paid for them. I tried the glass paper method and it only scratches the surface and causes so much mess.

  3. #13
    BF4 gamer commiecat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by wireless00 View Post
    What are these mops that you speak of? This isn't some real collectable razor, but it is one of the first that I have bought, so there is that sentimental value. I'm just looking to pretty it up as best I can without destroying the etch.
    I'd try some metal polish (e.g. Maas) first just to see where you're at and then go from there. The tumbler that Glen speaks off is a vibratory tumbler, which you can read about in great detail here:

    (linked to page 3 because that's where the pics start -- skip to page 6 if you want to see the finished razor)

    I don't have any buffers but I think that the mops Thechef is speaking of are wheels to be placed on a buffer (and correct me if that's wrong). If you look up Baldor buffers or grinders you'll see what is meant.

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