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  1. #1
    Senior Member heirkb's Avatar
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    Default URGENT!! Help needed with Puma Gold

    I'm posting this question in two places since I need as much help as I can get as quickly as possible. Sorry if this is inappropriate; mods, feel free to delete one of the threads.

    I have only 3 days to send this razor back. It looks as though some idiot touched a flame to it at some point. Take a look at the spots I posted pictures of. They didn't come off after emery compound or Maas.
    Should I return this razor?

    See the yin yangy pattern in that circle I drew? You have to look close. One part of the blade (the stained portion) looks like that and will not clean up.
    Last edited by Joed; 04-29-2010 at 12:39 AM.

  2. #2
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Usually when the metal has turned blue it would be by heat and has annealed (softened) the metal. The blue on your blade does not look like it was caused by heat since the ink on the blade is not damaged. What does the back of the blade look like? It also looks like it is away from the edge so if caused by heat the edge damage may be minimal. Not sure what may have caused this coloring unless it was blue before the blade was 'painted' or was caused by a chemical.
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  4. #3
    Senior Member heirkb's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Joed View Post
    Usually when the metal has turned blue it would be by heat and has annealed (softened) the metal. The blue on your blade does not look like it was caused by heat since the ink on the blade is not damaged. What does the back of the blade look like? It also looks like it is away from the edge so if caused by heat the edge damage may be minimal. Not sure what may have caused this coloring unless it was blue before the blade was 'painted' or was caused by a chemical.
    Is there any way to test the edge damage? I could try honing it up lightly even though my honing doesn't give me the best edge, but I don't know if that'd give me an indication of how well the razor will hold its edge.

  5. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth Joed's Avatar
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    Sorry, I don't know of any that would not damage it more. Do be aware that if you do any work to the razor you may not be able to return it if that is your intent.
    “If you always do what you always did, you will always get what you always got.” (A. Einstein)

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  7. #5
    zib is offline
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    IME, Heat damaged blades will not hone up. Check with Max...
    +1 Joed, If you hone it, You can't return it...If you have doubts, I'd return it....
    We have assumed control !

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  9. #6
    all your razor are belong to us red96ta's Avatar
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    The blade could have also come into contact with a sulfide of some sort... +1 to seeing how the blade takes a hone to give it a test.
    Last edited by red96ta; 04-29-2010 at 01:06 AM.

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  11. #7
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    I cannot, of course, say for sure... but that looks to me like some of the stains that I have seen lather leave on blades of mine. Again, though, if you are really concerned I would return the blade.

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  13. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Like Benjamin, I have seen those sort of stains left by lather and/or selective parts oxidising for some unknown reason.

    I don't think that you can easily tell if the blades temper has been affected by other agencies, though, short of honing and test shaving - soft steel will take an edge (of sorts), but it will not hold up.

    Why not explain your concerns and go ahead after agreeing a sort of 'nothing ventured, nothing gained' sort of thing?


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  15. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth hi_bud_gl's Avatar
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    if temper has been changed then that blade is useless. go head return the blade and stay on safe side.
    hope this helps.

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  17. #10
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    well, the only way to know is to hone it and see, however you should check with the seller before you do that.
    if they don't allow you to, you should decide whether the risk is justifiable to you.

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