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Thread: loose scales

  1. #11
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    I hate to disagree () but on my Dovo best quality the flat side is the machined pin and it is on the front - the side with the Dovo Stamp and the blade etching/frosting.

    The back side has rounded pins and you can clearly see the washer. (It looks like the second photo Ben posted, except it's a little rounder.)

    Now that I look that closely, the pivot pin has TWO washers on the back side and none on the front. That might have been a mistake, but who knows...

    Edit: I don't know if I'm disagreeing with anyone, actually...

  2. #12
    Member aznaod7's Avatar
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    i dont have a obvious looking thing like taht pic up there. Thank you for posting that by the way.
    this dovo thing looks very much the same to me. one looks more like that bottom pic and than another is even flatter... so the flatter one hit?

  3. #13
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Default Front side of a Dovo

    See the flat little bulls eyes?????

    Name:  X Dovo - Ice Tempered-#105 5-8.jpg
Views: 234
Size:  34.1 KB

    Do NOT hit those, they have no "Peen", so it will not accomplish anything, and if you smack them too hard, it will crack the scale...

    The back side has the peen and that will tighten as it is gently Tap Tapity Tap'd, not BAM BAM just a gentle, tap tap... oh yeah many many taps hehehe

    *These could be backward, if they messed up at the factory, it is possible, I have seen them that way, not many, but it is possible...
    Last edited by gssixgun; 05-10-2010 at 03:41 AM.

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  5. #14
    Wee Whisker Whacker BingoBango's Avatar
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    Even more photos... These are of my Dovo Best Quality.

    In the first picture you can clearly see the "bullseye" Glen's talking about. On the other two you can see the raised, rounded pin with the washer. (If you look carefully you can see this one has two washers, which is kinda kooky.)
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  7. #15
    They call me Mr Bear. Stubear's Avatar
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    +1 on the advice given!

    In terms of the pressure when you're hitting the peen, try tapping your thumb nail with the hammer. If it hurts, you're hitting too hard! You should use no more force on the peen than you used on your thumb nail.

    Good luck!

  8. #16
    Member aznaod7's Avatar
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    Default i think i did it

    I think I hit the right spot, it got tight for a day but now its loose again... there no permanent cure for this?

  9. #17
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    This is rather hard to explain, but I will try... It would take me 1 minute to show you in person...

    The object is not to compress the pin, the object it to peen the rod...

    Think about it like this, if you bang straight down on the pin all you are doing is compressing the rod,,, By actually tapping around the edge of the peen you are tightening the pin, more of a mushrooming of the peen, pulls the rod tighter, then a compressing the rod...

    Tap around the edges of the peen, and try not to tap directly straight down...
    Like I said I could show you the difference in 1 minute but to explain the difference on here sounds STUPID
    But once you get it down, the effect should last much, much, longer...

  10. #18
    Member aznaod7's Avatar
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    i keep trying with no success..

    i have bee en using a soup spoon or back of a metal fork, no actual hammer available .

  11. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    How tight is it and is it loose open, closed, half open.. etc.

    I have one razor that is OK except for when I strop it. Stropping short term
    I just wrap the handle open with some blue masking tape. This
    specific razor has yet to work all the corrosion from under the scales.
    I will tap, tap, tap it tight later unless I find a gummy waxy stuff like
    twenty year old cosmaline.

    Golly they still make the stuff.
    Cosmoline - Rust Preventative and Spray Lubricant | Schafco

  12. #20
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    I too have had troubles with Dovo pinning; on all my Dovos, save the Berg Lowe, the pins were bent at the factory, and tapping doesn't really work in this situation. IIRC , if you look at the video of the Dovo factory, the chappie doing the pinning isn't exactly gentle

    In the end, I used some microbolts (from MicroFasteners) for my Dovo Best, and sent my Dovo Special (Tortoise) and Dovo EnVogue (Micarta) out to Mr Neil Miller for professional re-pinning.

    Have fun !

    Best regards


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