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Thread: Jade hones which I would like to see be made into scales

  1. #21
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    i really think that it could be done with the jade, with a little extra work on supporting the jade using brass as a backing for the stone so the brass would be taking all the flex from the opening of the razor as well as three pins for the support in the middle of the scales. you have seen knives with inlays on the handles this is what im talking about. I also do silver smithing so i could also us silver to use as a inlay material if brass wouldnt work but i think that the brass would be better since it wouldnt tarnish as fast as the silver. please let me know because at this point my creative desire to see if it will work has been raised. if you decide too let me know on here and we can work something out.


  2. #22
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    If the tang was designed to have flexable scales it would be tapered to make them flex. For rigid scales a paralell tang design wouldn't impart forces on the scales. Would the solution be a custom tang for custom scales? Rambling again and time for me to go to bed.

    The tapered tang/tail and flexible scales is the reason the razor is more snug when it's opened. If you use straight everything, the razor will not snug up properly; it will either be always very tight or always loose. AND, getting a razor like that would require regrinding the area around the pivot or having the blade custom made that way.

    Doing large inlays, like Oso mentioned, seems much more practical, but I would still be worried about the overall lack of flexibility. That would, I guess, depend on the size of the pieces and where they are put. Not to mention the weight...

  3. #23
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    You probably could create a set of scales such that the scales don't flex and the third pin acts to support the tang.... in much the same way that you can shave with a microtome. Or you could make shoes out of your hones... There are ways to make it work, but there are other things which are designed for the job.
    How about hones out of shoes?
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  4. #24
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Jade is of course mined and there is plenty of it. First you have to distinguish between nephrite which is called jade but isn't and is cheap and plentiful and the mineral Jadeite which is the real mccoy. Usually colorless to green and in between. The stuff thats transparent is worth a fortune and the translucent stuff is much cheaper. Opaque stuff is reasonable. True Jadeite is very hard stuff.
    +1 very hard to carve and work. I don't know what kind of hone it wold make. I have a freind that's a jewlery designer, and sometimes folks would get jewerly stuck and he would say "No problem, we'll just lock you in the vault for two weeks and it will slip right off"....


  5. #25
    I used Nakayamas for my house mainaman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MODINE View Post
    +1 very hard to carve and work. I don't know what kind of hone it wold make. I have a freind that's a jewlery designer, and sometimes folks would get jewerly stuck and he would say "No problem, we'll just lock you in the vault for two weeks and it will slip right off"....

    I know it has been used for knife sharpening but never heard of use as a razor hone.

  6. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by VeeDubb65 View Post
    Nice mental image there.
    Lol, shoe hones may work great to work those calluses. Shamwow watch out, I see a new informercial

    ...ok sorry off topic

  7. #27
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    How about hones out of shoes?
    Or strops out of Florsheims ?
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  8. #28
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    Quote Originally Posted by BKratchmer View Post
    but even if the third pin was supporting the razor, the scales would still need to flex to meet at the tang of the razor... .
    Quote Originally Posted by holli4pirating View Post
    You probably could create a set of scales such that the scales don't flex and the third pin acts to support the tang.... in much the same way that you can shave with a microtome. Or you could make shoes out of your hones... There are ways to make it work, but there are other things which are designed for the job.
    Take a look at this beautiful razor. In particular the last picture.

    There is no third pin and the tang is tapered but the reason I bring it up is that the tang does not touch the scales. I can envision a Jade Dragon if that blade had jade scales.

    I could agree that Jade is heavy and would be hard for the average person to work. Why cut up a hone rather than selling it to someone that would use it for it's intended purpose and buying a slab already precut in the demensions needed? Reasonable and practical questions. But if we would all be reasonable and practical the average person would have a beard.


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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    How about hones out of shoes?
    Quote Originally Posted by onimaru55 View Post
    Or strops out of Florsheims ?
    Are you two talking about Light in August?

  10. #30
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Take a look at this beautiful razor. In particular the last picture.

    There is no third pin and the tang is tapered but the reason I bring it up is that the tang does not touch the scales. I can envision a Jade Dragon if that blade had jade scales.
    Well, I wasn't thinking about customs when I posted. But still, the reason that razor pivots and snugs properly is because the scales flex and the blade is tapered at the pivot.

    Trust me, I have had "razors" with straight tangs and no bow to the scales, and they are just not right.

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