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Thread: Jade hones which I would like to see be made into scales

  1. #31
    Scale Maniac BKratchmer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    Take a look at this beautiful razor. In particular the last picture.

    There is no third pin and the tang is tapered but the reason I bring it up is that the tang does not touch the scales. I can envision a Jade Dragon if that blade had jade scales.

    I could agree that Jade is heavy and would be hard for the average person to work. Why cut up a hone rather than selling it to someone that would use it for it's intended purpose and buying a slab already precut in the demensions needed? Reasonable and practical questions. But if we would all be reasonable and practical the average person would have a beard.


    But what matters is not a third pin, or the shape of the tang, or whether or not the tang touches the scales... what I've been saying the whole time is that-- as you can see in your picture-- the scales flex.

  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by BKratchmer View Post
    But what matters is not a third pin, or the shape of the tang, or whether or not the tang touches the scales... what I've been saying the whole time is that-- as you can see in your picture-- the scales flex.
    In your experience and in the general norm that may be true.


  3. #33
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    Jimmie crickets , now I just want to see it succeed or fail out of sheer suspense , I have absolutly no Idea about the outcome but people seem to be kinda polarized.

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by shayne View Post
    Jimmie crickets , now I just want to see it succeed or fail out of sheer suspense ,.


    Good luck


  5. #35
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    Take any razor and open it and close it and watch closely..whether or not there is a third pin there is still some flex to the scales. I cant remember where but as mentioned before someone has made scales out of glass to see if it would work..but..he used a rubber type wedge in order to have some flex somewhere along the lines. Somewhere along the line there has to be some give somewhere. The only way I see it working is to have a flexible rubber type wedge or have some play in the pivot pin..and then the razor will be floppy and not snug. But thats just my 2 bits. I'd still like to see it done..i'm sure it would be beautiful

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  7. #36
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    Interesting idea about the rubber wedge. That would certainly help.

    Someone with the right skills and equipment could also probably create a compressible pivot as well. I'm envisioning thicker scales with a larger diameter depression on the outside around the pivot pin, washers inside and out, and with microfasteners instead of a traditional pin.

    However, it's worth pointing out that silica glass is quite flexible compared to stone.

    My concern is that by the time you do all the floating connections, and have thick enough scales that they could stand the tension, you'd be left with a razor that weighed half a pound.

    I seem to recall a thread on this exact topic a year ago. Maybe a year an a half, although nobody had suggested a rubber wedge last time I looked.

  8. #37
    Senior Member gandrw's Avatar
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    I have worked with a material called true-stone or gem-stone made for pen turning, It's about 80 percent pulverized stone and the rest is a synthetic base I think its acrylic or a similar material. if it's more the look you are going for than it being real stone. it would be much more durable in this application than natural stone. Especially if put on a backer material. I have actually been interested in jade hones for a while and if you still have them might be interested in buying them from you. if you are interested PM me and we can talk more.
    Here is a link to a site that has the Jade Gem-stone Gemstone Pen Blank-Imperial Jade, 7/8 x 7/8 x 5 1/2 [PBGem-ImperialJadeOS] - $11.99 : Arizona Silhouette inc. - Suppliers of Eye Candy, Proudly Offering Exceptional Products and Resources for the Wood Turner The thing to consider with this is wether it would be big enough for the scales you are looking to have made at 7/8 an inch by 5 1/2 it would have to be a smaller razor they where going on.

  9. #38
    Senior Member PDobson's Avatar
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    I'm seriously considering making a jade (nephrite) handled razor for my friend's birthday on 12/12/12. He's been growing a beard for years, the joke being that it will protect him from the Mayans. After the "end of the world, he won't need the beard anymore, so we're gonna shave it off. I think a jade handle will be fitting for the task.

    I agree with the others that a traditional razor handle would not work well in something like jade. But who says we have to be traditional. There are plenty of ways to design a pivot that doesn't require flexible parts. Just look at almost any piece of machinery for examples. For my project I'm going to do away with moving parts all together, and make a fixed blade. This will allow for better control of the balance point and simpler construction.


  10. #39
    Bringer of Dust shayne's Avatar
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    If you are interested pm me i can send you links for the chinese sites let me know what catches your fancy i can order it for you and get it sent . I don't and won't make any money off of it just act as a proxy.

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  11. #40
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Now, I am chiming in. I have a Swede razor with each scale made from one piece of Mother of Pearl. ( Heljstrand MK-31 ) They do not flex! The inside line is absolutely straight and the razor is fitted to the scales with the correct taper to rest closed at 8mm high at the toe.

    I have seen some hard scales which were ground on the inside to a slight curve to approach the look of a normal pair of scales. Ivory, composition and this bone plus horn and a few other materials will flex. Solid stone don't!
    Yes the razor is somewhat loose in the pivot. But for a couple hunnert bucks, what do you expect?
    added note, True Jade is an extremely tough material and will ring like a bell when struck; a really beautiful and lovely material. Difficult to carve and it will last for a long time. On razor??? Who drops a good blade? YES!
    Post Script. Now if the wedge was of a slightly compressible material, the scales tightened onto two domed, thin spring washers, one on each side of the blade at the pivot. Look up Belleville washers/springs.
    Last edited by Geezer; 06-13-2011 at 03:00 AM. Reason: added a thought
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