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Thread: Restoring with minimum loss

  1. #11
    Member RazorFang's Avatar
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    I'm quoting myself from the thread of the tumbler polisher.

    Excellent work!

    I am quite the avid chain mailler, and using lots of different types of metals to make my jumprings from, I decided to invest in a rotary tumber, and it cost me an arm and a leg, because everything in ZA is expensive. So my question is, can I use a rotary tumbler? I'm not sure if it would work because it has a rotating drum that may cause the blade to fall around(that the main idea of a rotary tumbler, because it has faceted walls on the inside that prevent the medium from just sliding around(as you may imagine smooth S/S Shot/Pins just gliding against smooth plastic) and I am afraid that this falling around might crack the edge, or something similar.
    Last edited by RazorFang; 05-12-2011 at 06:53 PM.

  2. #12
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Search out Tim/oldblades on here he had a thread about using a Rotary tumbler IIRC
    I'll check too when I get a few minutes for you...


    See when yer not good on Computers you have to have a good memory
    Last edited by gssixgun; 05-12-2011 at 07:41 PM.

  3. #13
    Member RazorFang's Avatar
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    Ah, so thats where my memory has gone to?

    I had a look at it, looks awesome. I'll see if I can get some medium suited for that. ATM all I have it S/S Shot and pins, because I generally use it to deburr my chainmailing.

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