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Thread: I feel sick.

  1. #31
    At Last, my Arm is Complete Again!! tinkersd's Avatar
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    I CAN'T EVEN IMAGINE!! Sorry doesn't cut it here, I have a couple of grand/kids and thank goodness their old enough to head my lectures on what's touchable and what's off limits, thought I know some time in the future my luck will run out, I"m waiting for the axe to fall, so far, my blades and honeing equipment is safe.

    BTW, give her a hug from all of us, really.

    tinkersd or SRP[With Sympathy]

  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    zip lock bags....

  3. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I can remember something from my childhood, I was 3 and this was 61 years ago. My dad came home from work and I was in the back yard playing and for some reason I decided that I needed to clamber up on the hood of the family car he had just parked in the driveway. I saw dad run out of the house toward me; he then grabbed me off the car and gave me a spanking on the spot and told me in no uncertain language that I was never to climb on his car. Since the spanking was more for getting my attention than to hurt me and I wasn't wailing in pain, I can distinctly remember thinking that had he only told me about this not-to-do before I did it, I would have never climbed on the darned car.

    So, if you can only anticipate what mischief your kids can get into and before they succumb to acting out the normal antics of childhood, tell them about the things they shouldn't do. No small job, that.

  4. #34
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    May be time to star shopping for tiny version of leather apron, kevlar gloves, safety goggles and a respirator. It'll teach her both a valuable lesson on why pouring soda over the blades was bad decision (presumably time with the buffers is less fun than time with the dolls and the little red pony), and she can generate some economic value to offset or may be even make up for the economic loss she caused

    You said 4 years old, right? I think it's just about the right time. Though you may want to keep it on the hush side given the overreaching government...
    MickR likes this.

  5. #35
    Senior Member TrilliumLT's Avatar
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    Oh man that sucks, but its karma. You bust up your parents stuff and your kids bust up your stuff and the cycle continues.
    I drove my fathers car into the house at the age of 7. So I know i have a dozy coming.

  6. #36
    May your bone always be well buried MickR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    May be time to star shopping for tiny version of leather apron, kevlar gloves, safety goggles and a respirator. It'll teach her both a valuable lesson on why pouring soda over the blades was bad decision (presumably time with the buffers is less fun than time with the dolls and the little red pony), and she can generate some economic value to offset or may be even make up for the economic loss she caused

    You said 4 years old, right? I think it's just about the right time. Though you may want to keep it on the hush side given the overreaching government...


  7. #37
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruce View Post
    I can distinctly remember thinking that had he only told me about this not-to-do before I did it, I would have never climbed on the darned car.
    That's the thing.
    What seems non-obvious to us seems perfectly normal to a kid. In my case, I told my kids not to color on the wall or furniture. I never mentioned the grouting between the floor tiles because it's something I would not even think of. I can hardly spank them for doing something they did not know was wrong. At age 2, you cannot really expect kids to have well thought out actions

    My daughters have always seen me with sharp objects. I told them to never ever touch them without my say so. And then I taught them how to pick up a razor safely and give it to me, should they ever find one unsupervised. And finally, I told them they would get a big reward if they ever brought me a razor or knife if they found one and gave it to me safely.

    These days my kids (4 and 6) enjoy nothing more than to be in the basement with me. they have their own crafts / hammering table in between my tools, where they can use their real hammers with real nails and real pliers. It's not that they cannot safely work with tools and stuff. It's just a matter of being very explicit in what is or is not allowed.
    Last edited by Bruno; 08-04-2011 at 09:20 PM.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  8. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    Mostly the trouble they got into was from watching an adult do something and then trying to match it with the objects at hand.
    I grew up with two fathers at various time periods. One was a carpenter and, as a very young kid, more than once, I took one of his Lufkin 6' folding rulers and broke it trying to open it. The other , my 'real' father was a pipe smoker and I vaguely remember breaking the stem off of one of his pipes. I had seen him remove the stem to clean it and thought I would do him a favor.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  9. #39
    Scales are not just for fish... CTKnife's Avatar
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    OMG...Just OMG...I don't even know what to say...Damn!

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