Quote Originally Posted by osdset View Post
This is what I am currently using
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Ball ends from guitar strings, this photo makes them look huge, in reality they are about 50% larger across the outside diameter than a standard peened pin head. if anyone is interested I will measure one properly and post the dimensions, I reduce the thickness on a belt sander using a piece of timber counter bored to take the ball ends so that half the thickness is sticking out, this forms a handle, they are a bit too small to hold safely, you end up with a nice solid brass domed washer, and the best bit is they are free! I am a guitar maker/ repairer and I end up with dozens of these, which I have been saving in the hope I could find a use for them eventually.
The image looks wonderful, but not clear what you are doing. Is a "guitar ball end" the brass tube wrapped in wire?

Are you sanding down the 'tube' to washer thickness, using the twisted rig to secure as you sand down? If so once sander gets to the wire would think too thick still?

If what I call a 'tube' is the item used, appears you can cut in half, through the center, right where the wire is wrapped around.

Often I use brass bead spacers that I also cut in half and sand down to washer thickness. They are about the same size as the 'tube' i see wrapped in wire.

To sand, I put a 1/16 rod through the hole, and hold outside area to the sander with needle nose pliers or by hand. Many trips to cool in water bucket. They are not too thick to start with, so maybe only five passes to the water required for me.