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Thread: It came out but it won't go back in...

  1. #1
    Just a guy with free time.
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    Default It came out but it won't go back in...

    I've been working on restoring an HSB frenchpoint and I got stumped. When I got the thing, it had a galvanized nail being used as a pivot pin. With that nail, the blade was floppy as all H***, but fit in the scales with no problem. Well the nail was bigger than the original hole, so one side of the scales has a bigger hole than the other. I figure no big deal, I can drill the other hole out to the same size, sleeve the pivot pin, and everythings A Ok. But during reassembly, I noticed my blade wont fit between it's pivot point and the wedge. The point, (forgot the nomenclature already) hits the wedge now when I try to close the razor. Needless to say, it's not assembled. So anybody got any ideas how my scales got shorter? I haven't drilled out the other side yet. I just mocked it up with 1/16th rod and had this happen. I'm thinking after I open up the other side, maybe it'll bring it back where it belongs, but I figured I'd give the experts a chance to chime in before I proceed.

  2. #2
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    HUH ???

    I am soooooo Lost, how can the hole on one side be different didn't the "nail" go all the way through???
    I can see how the razor can move in the scales because of the oversized holes, from what I am seeing in my mind I would say you need either sleeves for the holes in the scales or perhaps new scales...

    But a pic would help a ton here

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  4. #3
    Senior Member Jimbo7's Avatar
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    My completely worthless comment for the day:

    Great thread title. Absolutely great.

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  6. #4
    Senior Member rodb's Avatar
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    Post pictures if possible

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth niftyshaving's Avatar
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    Sounds like you should save these scales for a
    slightly shorter razor.

    If it is just a little bit you can saw or file some of the wedge away.
    Check if the "arc" of the wedge is catching.

    Measure twice cut once.

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  9. #6
    Senior Member dirtychrome's Avatar
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    Maybe the wedge just twisted down a little or pushed back, and needs to be rotated back? Was the wedge removed during disassemble and maybe it's upside down now?

    With how sloppy the fit is, this might make sense. When you say shorter, how much so? I agree about pic would be helpful...thousand words and all

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  11. #7
    Mental Support Squad Pithor's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtychrome View Post
    Maybe the wedge just twisted down a little or pushed back, and needs to be rotated back? Was the wedge removed during disassemble and maybe it's upside down now?

    With how sloppy the fit is, this might make sense. When you say shorter, how much so? I agree about pic would be helpful...thousand words and all
    I agree that this might be worth checking out, since only two days ago I noticed the same on a blade I have had for damn near half a year. The thought never even crossed my mind until then.

  12. #8
    UPD is offline
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    Sounds like to me the larger hole is the culprit... If one hole is smaller, than that is the one that is controlling the depth, or was controlling the depth of the razor in the scales (length-wise from pivot to wedge) before you pulled the nail out. So my advice would be to NOT drill out the smaller hole, but rather try to sleeve the larger hole and then cover it up with some large washers... Or just make a new set of scales.

    Good luck, and yes pictures would help us help you.

    Edit to add: Upon rereading, I think you have an oversized pivot hole. The hole in the tang of the razor is probably bigger than the 1/16" rod, yes? If so, there was no "play" when the larger nail was in the pivot, but now that the narrower rod is loose, the razor has more room to wiggle back and forth between pivot and wedge.

    Sleeve the pivot hole in the razor and see if that doesn't correct the issue. The above about not drilling out the scales still applies.
    Last edited by UPD; 10-13-2011 at 08:02 AM.

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  14. #9
    Senior Member easyace's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dirtychrome View Post
    Maybe the wedge just twisted down a little or pushed back, and needs to be rotated back? Was the wedge removed during disassemble and maybe it's upside down now?
    This is a very good point, I have had this happen with two different Razors.

  15. #10
    Just a guy with free time.
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    I'll see if I can't figure out how to post a pic this evening. I didn't do a good job of describing the nail did I? The nail was short enough that the point of the nail just barely made it through the second side of the scales, and then they'd just kinda bent that little chunk over on the back side. I haven't really spent enough time fighting with these particular scales to give up on them. Dirtychrome, I'll check that tonight also. I did swing the sides completely opposite each other while I was cleaning them. Pretty good possibility that wedge has changed position. UPD, you're correct about the pivot hole in the tang, and you're correct about the nail. I'm gonna assume you're correct about not drilling out the other side of the scales. Thanks so much to everyone! Once again, I'll try to get a couple pics thrown up here for examination.
    Last edited by regularjoe; 10-13-2011 at 10:37 AM. Reason: Still learning how the forum postings are integrated.

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