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Thread: Just finished and tested.

  1. #11
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RayCover View Post
    When I started remodeling my garage full of machines into an actual shop I also wanted a place where me and the guys could hang out and do guy stuff. So this is both my shop and my den or man cave. Its where I reload my ammo, smoke an occasional pipe, and just get away from all the estrogen in my home. Ya I love my kids but a guy who has all daughters needs a boost of testosterone occasionally. I wanted a shop/man cave that I could be proud of how it looked and was a comfortable hang out when I need to decompress.
    I have the same thing with my basement.
    But my daughters (4 and 6) like it there too.
    So now they have their own toolboxes with tools, their own mini workbench, scrap wood, and nails and crafts stuff.

    On one hand, my cave is not entirely my own anymore, but otoh I get to spend time with them, doing things that I really like.Since I don't have a son, I am going to make sure that my girls know how to drive a nail or drill a hole.
    Besides, my daughters already like knives, so they'll pick up knifemaking and an appreciation for good knives in the process.

    And I still get to spend time there entirely alone. My basement is where I hide from the world and go to be left alone.
    Last edited by Bruno; 01-03-2012 at 02:42 PM.
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  2. #12
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    That's a great restoration project! The colour is great....It reminds me of the "General" colour, but a little more greeny.

  3. #13
    Senior Member RayCover's Avatar
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    Don't get me wrong Bruno. My girls aren't banned from the garage they just are not allowed to rule the roost in there. In the garage if dad wants to smoke his pipe or listen to George Thurogood and Stevie Ray Vauhn cranked way up nice and loud they just have to deal with it.

    My youngest Rachel actually spends a good amount of time out there. She was a huge help on this repaint job and she has taken over my wood lathe. If I can just get here to turning brushes ........


  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    pinklather is correct! Yes, Geezer does like it!! Very Much! I have spent many a rushed/paniced hour on one of the earlier models of Hardinge. I am stuck with very little room and a 12" Craftsman/Atlas I renewed. I am fortunate to not need much stronger for the little I do! I may sometimes visit friends that own bigger machinery. That does slow me down! Lazy at my age.
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  5. #15
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    Beautiful!!! Just Beautiful!
    I have a TL that we are also bringing back online - my photo not as good as yours - but I do have a question: other than the very poor 'operator" manual and the brochure, have you seen any documentation (like an illustrated parts list) for the TL? Mine was made in '44, and there is a small "idler" (don't know what else to call it) on back side of carriage that I would sure like to find ....
    Anyway, congratulations on a fabulous machine! Am hoping to hve mine up and running soon - enjoy it! You and your daughter did a great job!
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  6. #16
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    Try to ask at The guy is very resourcefull and knowlegeable about lathes and their parts.

  7. #17
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    adrspach: I have gotten quite a bit from Tony ( but apparently not as much Hardinge stuff in Europe as US ... I also have a Aciera F2 and Hauser 2BA and he had everything I could ask for, but not much on Hardinge. If anyone needs the 'operators" manual and the brochure, email me and I will send the pdf's, but I am really looking for the a little more detail. Would be glad to share anything I have if it helps someone else. Thank you for the suggestion; hope there are more options out there. doug

  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Tony is a great Guy and a wealth of Knowledge,Have sold him many orig levin lathe catalogs.He also has a huge database of printed info.

  9. #19
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    Nice work on the lathes!

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