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Thread: A day with Mastro Livi

  1. #1
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    Default A day with Mastro Livi

    Hay guys. Iv put it over at B&B but didnt want anyone here to miss it. My internet sucks and it was an hour job to create the thred there so forgive me for not posting it here also.

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Buckler For This Useful Post:

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  3. #2
    Lookin like a crim baldy's Avatar
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    Wow, you are one lucky boy. Sounds like 2 amazing days.

  4. #3
      Lynn's Avatar
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    Sorry, but I am banned from that other site for being me. Too bad about all the hate showing up over there, but a perfect example of the management of that place both allowing it and promoting it. I see the trolls there feel the need to invent reasons for being banned vs. just stating that they came here to troll and seek recognition to take back and hopefully get exalted for. We really value all the members who participate in multiple forums. Our goal remains to promote the art and help all the people we can become successful in it. We apologize for all the drama, particularly from the same few over there and know that the overwhelming majority of us recognize the deceipt.

    Can you either re-post it here where I can see the pictures or remove it? Your willingness to share the wonder of Livi is most admirable.

    I can't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed spending time with Mastro Livi in Italy a few years ago. I can't wait to get back over and see the new workshop. He is a remarkable person!


    Quote Originally Posted by Buckler View Post
    Hay guys. Iv put it over at B&B but didnt want anyone here to miss it. My internet sucks and it was an hour job to create the thred there so forgive me for not posting it here also.
    Last edited by Lynn; 06-12-2012 at 02:13 PM.
    snakebite likes this.

  5. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Lynn For This Useful Post:

    jamesm (04-23-2013), Kees (06-12-2012), Theseus (06-12-2012), tinkersd (06-13-2012)

  6. #4
    I BLEED BLUE nycexit2's Avatar
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    Yes please repost some of us are banned from that place lol

  7. #5
    Obsessive compulsive EisenFaust's Avatar
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    Thanks for the link! - I'm not banned there (yet) - too scared to post anything in case I'm suspected of subterfuge

    Looks like you had a fantastic time! please repost here if you can.

    Photobucket is a great way to cut out the upload time with images - a one time upload there and then you can just copy and paste the [IMG] links into the body of your post to add your photos.

  8. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Am also in banishment,but the link here still works for me.

  9. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Kees's Avatar
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    Some are more banned than others. I cannot see the pix.

  10. #8
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    Ok folks here goes. Sorry it took so long, I just dont have a great deal of time for the internet these days. Im thinking this will take me an hour or so. (Not real computer literate)
    Ill simply copy and paste.

    Well actually it was 2 but that tittle sounded much more catchy.

    So I was very privileged to spend some time with Mastro Livi. He is such a great man and I had the time of my life in his workshop.

    Here he is preparing to make his Damascus Steel
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    This was my fantastic translator Luis. He is holding up one of Mastro's razors which he blues with heat...? I dont know how. But its beautiful.
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    Mastro took myself and a few of his friends out for lunch. A great bunch!
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    His display case which can make a grown man drule.
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  11. #9
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    Me having the time of my life (Outside of getting married of course )
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    Fire up the furnace. He has a little turbo looking thing to crank it up. I think you can just see the edge of it. It sends air from underneath into the coals.
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    Some of many things he has lying around the workshop. Many I would have loved to pick up and drop in my pocket
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    He showed me how he makes his damascus steel blades and would dip it in a concoction at each stage to show me the grain in it. Such a great guy!
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  12. #10
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    This is one reason why Mastro Livi's beautiful blades cost so much. I watched him spend hours on this, and then he went a little too far and the steel became thin here. He then shoved a screwdriver through to show me what had happened.
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    This is a before and after of the NOS stuff he makes
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    A great time with new found friends!
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    My score at the end of it all.
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    And a pic of me shaving with an Italian preshave cream, shaving cream, Italian brush (Omega) and a recently purchased Italian made razor
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    Last edited by Buckler; 06-26-2012 at 05:43 AM.
    baldy, cudarunner and jc50 like this.

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Buckler For This Useful Post:

    EisenFaust (06-26-2012), Zephyr (06-26-2012)

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