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Thread: i broke it already

  1. #11
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmmike View Post
    Unit, I just emailed dovo we will see how they see it.

    Please share the outcome. I hope they treat you fairly

  2. #12
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    That's a shame. Hope dovo will do something about it. Otherwise I think you can buy a replacement scales and pins.

    I'm curious how did you get water into the pivot? Is it when you're shaving with it and water from rinsing the blade gets into the pivot or water splashes when rinsing?


  3. #13
    Senior Member Mmmike's Avatar
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    Ok i had some places to go this morning and i went back to the store. (centre du rasoir in rosemere) They both looked stunned, saying they sell a lot af dovo sr and its the first time they see something like this. They gave me a new one on the spot ans some oil.
    Back home i checked my emails and dovo had replied to me 5 minutes after receiving my email, they said to send the razor back and they would repair it. So i think dovo offers a great support to their customers, but now i have a brand new dovo ;-) As for why now...I was carefull drying the razor but i guess i let lots of water on the pin while rinsing it. But the pin was loose a bit and the girl at the store noticed it was bent a little. I think there was a problem with the razor from the start...or not? Anyway i will be extra carefull from now on and dry everything carefully and oil it often, do you guys use alchool to dry the razor ou anything else? I dont store it in a humid environment.
    Maybe i should order a second one just in case, i did not want to be razorless for a couple of days! I was lucky this time, but if im not carefull i dont think they will give me a new razor every two weeks. I have to spend more time looking at maintenance threads now instead of aftershave
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  4. #14
    Senior Member Mmmike's Avatar
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    the reason i subtlety mentionned alchool is that i dried the blade with alcool and some may or may non have been in contact with the scale...can alcool dissolve the celluloid scale and unpin the pin? In that case i probably did not do this and the razor was broken from the start. ;-)

  5. #15
    Senior Member Hogrider's Avatar
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    When shaving do not get the pivot area wet! If you do it is going to get rusty no matter how much you try to dry it; instead, rinse the blade under running water and be careful not to ding the blade against the faucet; I also keep a barber's towel folded in front of me to dry my hands and blade. I have 25 razors on displays in my bathroom; I do not oil any of my SR instead, I towel dry them after I am finished shaving and I am yet to see rust in any of my SRs. Remember, do not get the pivot area and scales wet. Good luck. HOG

  6. #16
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    If you rinse it off, you should hold it at an angle so that you don't get water on the scales or in the pivot.
    This also applies when you are shaving. Don't let lather drip into the scales or into the pivot. It will just create a mess, and can cause lasting damage.

    Also, when you have dried teh razor, leave it open somewhere until all the moisture has evaporated.
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  7. #17
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mmmike View Post
    Ok i had some places to go this morning and i went back to the store. (centre du rasoir in rosemere) They both looked stunned, saying they sell a lot af dovo sr and its the first time they see something like this. They gave me a new one on the spot ans some oil.
    Back home i checked my emails and dovo had replied to me 5 minutes after receiving my email, they said to send the razor back and they would repair it. So i think dovo offers a great support to their customers, but now i have a brand new dovo ;-) As for why now...I was carefull drying the razor but i guess i let lots of water on the pin while rinsing it. But the pin was loose a bit and the girl at the store noticed it was bent a little. I think there was a problem with the razor from the start...or not? Anyway i will be extra carefull from now on and dry everything carefully and oil it often, do you guys use alchool to dry the razor ou anything else? I dont store it in a humid environment.
    Maybe i should order a second one just in case, i did not want to be razorless for a couple of days! I was lucky this time, but if im not carefull i dont think they will give me a new razor every two weeks. I have to spend more time looking at maintenance threads now instead of aftershave
    I have yet to learn how to properly pin razors, but I have un-pinned a few and frequently I see pivot pins with a slight bend in them. I could be wrong, but I think this happens during the setting and judging from the age of some of mine, I am not sure a small bend in the pin causes problems...I could be totally wrong though.

    I am more than glad that you seem to have received commendable customer service from both Dovo and the dealer you purchased from. That is GREAT to hear these days!

  8. #18
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Just call me "The True Wetshaver" I get everything wet, Blade, Scales, Pivot, Sink, Floor, Counter, Towels hell I even splash the Mirror...

    I could careless where water goes, I just clean it up after, I haven't used oil in forever on my shavers, the only trick I use is what Bruno already stated, I dry the razor well, shake out the water hard, and re-dry, then I set it on a mat by itself OPEN for at least 24 hours inside a seperate drawer... I usually even lean it on a razor box so it has complete air circulation..

    No problems so far

    IMHO they call it wet shaving for a reason... embrace the water, be one with the water ommmmmmmm
    JBHoren and Josip101 like this.

  9. #19
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Default i broke it already

    Interesting. I get water everywhere too, but I oil feverishly. I cannot leave my stuff out to dry like that (three little boys). They are great kids and probably would never touch...but I could not live with myself if something happened.
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  10. #20
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Just call me anal retentive er ah meticulous that is. I do not enjoy cleaning a mess up after I have made it if avoidable so I get no water on the pivot pin or scales, wipe the blade and inside the scales with bathroom tissue and set it out to air dry for a few hours and only oil the blades if I am leaving home on a trip. No problems with rust, touch wood, so far.


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