I'm with Glen, water water everywhere. Too many other things to focus on at the time. When I get a new razor I treat the pivot with Tuf-Glide and hope that helps. Otherwise, I just do a final rinse with the hottest water the tap will run (in my camper, that's near-boiling) and make sure the blade heats up.

I don't go out of my way to get water in the pivot, but don't try too hard to keep it out either. Once the blade is good and warm, I wick any water from between the scales with a folded bit of paper towel, and make sure to work a single thickness of it into the pivot. Then I wipe off the blade and the outsides of the scales and let the heat drive off any remaining moisture. I haven't had a rust spot yet. Disclaimer, though, I live where the RH is about 10-15% most of the time.

About those bent pivot pins--I've noticed on some older blades that the pivot hole is enormous relative to the pin, and I've unpinned a few where the pin was bent almost to a V. I suspect that the manufacturers left that space so the pivot pin could in fact be bent inside the hinge as a way to tighten the joint. It's a little quicker than getting the peening just right.

Yeah, when stropping, support the blade by the tang, don't count on the scales for any kind of physical support like you can with a pocketknife. Different critter altogether.