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Thread: Disinfectant destroying patina on blades?

  1. #1
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    Question Disinfectant destroying patina on blades?

    Hey all,

    I got a disinfectant from the same place I purchased my only new SR, as I wanted to clean all the ones I got off Ebay. However, when I used it, all the blades went all speckled and stained and this will not come off at least by using a dremel with a buffing wheel.

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    The blade in the picture was of a mirror shine when I got it, but looks absolutely horrible now.

    Any suggestions on saving these?

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  2. #2
    Senior Member Slamthunderide's Avatar
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    Did you use any polishing compound ? I have used mothers metal polish and have gotten good results. I have also heard Maas is good just don't get it on any gold wash it will take the gold off.

  3. #3
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    Didn't use any polishing compund, as a) I didn't have any here, and b) I didn't want to wreck them even more. I'll try to check with the locals (Swedes) here on SRP on what's available here. Thanks.

  4. #4
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    Any good metal polish that's safe for chrome will work; if that doesn't get it off....break out the sand paper What kind of disinfectant was it?
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  5. #5
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    I still think either alcohol or a multisurface (safe for glass) natural bathroom cleaner works the best without having to worry about damaging the steel or finish. There was a thread about a month ago where a guy didn't dilute barbicide and he now has some pretty blue cracked ice dubl duck scales
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

  6. #6
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    What type of disinfectant was it?

  7. #7
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    So, I got some metal polish (safe for Chrome). (Häxans, for all you swedes.) I followed the instructions, and the blade became shiny, but the staining is still there. Much annoyance ensued.

    The disinfectant was a no-name ordered from, in tablet form. The tablet gives 5 litres of disinfectant, and 8 stained blades. (Ok, so that last part wasn't in the marketing.)

    Thanks for all the input guys, and if you have any magic "make-shiny-again"-tips, I'll happily listen. I'm loathe to break out the sand paper. :-/ Goo thing I didn't clean *all* my blades.

  8. #8
    Senior Member tiddle's Avatar
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    That "staining" could be very minor surface pitting that polish won't get out. You could try wet sanding very very lightly with 2000 or higher grit sandpaper and see if that removes it...again, very very lightly just to test one blade.
    Mastering implies there is nothing more for you to learn of something... I prefer proficient enough to not totally screw it up.

  9. #9
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Thanks for the tip about pellet blade cleaner!
    The more I look at the first blade shown with the spotting and pitting, the more I think of intergranular corrosion. The fine fogging usually is a give away. I would do a quick honing at 600grit to 1K or less and look at the blade under 60X or more and you may see holes through the bevel. When I get one that bad, I don't want to waste my time trying to get an edge. That corrosion pattern is what I expect from a celluloid rotting acid on a blade.
    I may be wrong and I won't say the blade is bad; look for signs of re-scaling.


  10. #10
    Member Puerco's Avatar
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    Why would you even consider disinfecting a blade with anything so aggressive? All I do with used blades is buff them up and wipe them down with alcohol, the alcohol will kill anything the buffing did not remove. If you're still worried a dip in boiling water will kill anything and not harm the blade (careful with scales though).

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