Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
That sir, is a brilliant idea. but instead of paint sticks i have some oak scraps (since i'm always building with red oak) laying around that i have no use for because they are too small to use in my larger projects. i can just plane down some of them and give it a shot. I may even end up with a set of red oak scales as well, but i like the mahogany color a lot better. but if i ever run out of oak scraps, paint sticks.

and i made this design around the blade and made all the measurements so, in theory, the scales should work properly.

(And i take it from your name you are a Chevy guy? if so, we will get along great)

Paint sticks are all over by me, so I use what I have.. LOL The other advantage is that it is EASY to sand or shape by hand.
Oak "scraps" would be awesome to have lying around!

Yep I am a CHEVY guy! Have a '71 Chevelle