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Thread: Heat damage?

  1. #31
    The Great & Powerful Oz onimaru55's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bridger View Post
    the exact same colors can result from exposure to an acid. done it many times with a carbon steel knife cutting lemons.
    I think the colours are similar but not exactly the same as acid patina. Acid patina will come off with metal polish. I really think the razor has seen excess heat, in which case only sanding would change the colours .
    Last edited by onimaru55; 06-01-2013 at 02:12 AM.
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  2. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    I have never seen a blade turn colors like that from cutting lemons nor from rinsing in the hottest water.If you have seen it many times. lets see some pics.
    That Blade is kaput, with the amt of pitting and hone ware, it should be laid to rest.Sometimes the newbs should be told the truth,you bought junk,you got junk.Ask a mentor about a blade you have an interest in via P.M, before buying or bidding,thats what mentors are here for.
    Some of the junk newbs buy and post pics of is at times unreal,JMO, sorry for the rant.
    don't get your panties in a bunch. I have seen carbon steel turn the same colors as if by heat, but from cutting lemons. I thought it was interesting, enough to notice and remember but not enough to take a picture. I'm not saying that that is what the OP has going on with his razor, just that those oxide colors can result from more than one source. I would sure have liked to see a pic of the back before he polished it.

    if it were mine, and I thought it was worth salvaging, I'd have honed it and counted the shaves it gave before going dull, then made the decision how to proceed.

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  4. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by bridger View Post
    don't get your panties in a bunch. I have seen carbon steel turn the same colors as if by heat, but from cutting lemons. I thought it was interesting, enough to notice and remember but not enough to take a picture. I'm not saying that that is what the OP has going on with his razor, just that those oxide colors can result from more than one source. I would sure have liked to see a pic of the back before he polished it.

    if it were mine, and I thought it was worth salvaging, I'd have honed it and counted the shaves it gave before going dull, then made the decision how to proceed.
    My pantys are not in a bunch,I just know junk when I see it,the blade is heat damaged,the blade is not worth saving,the blade is not worth spending 50 bux to send to out of the country and back,if for educational purposes?? so be it.It may be a great blade someday,but chances are it will be nothing more than a box cutter,JMO,it may be a great slicer of lemons,we shall see.

  5. #34
    Member pavespawn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    I have never seen a blade turn colors like that from cutting lemons nor from rinsing in the hottest water.If you have seen it many times. lets see some pics.
    That Blade is kaput, with the amt of pitting and hone ware, it should be laid to rest.Sometimes the newbs should be told the truth,you bought junk,you got junk.Ask a mentor about a blade you have an interest in via P.M, before buying or bidding,thats what mentors are here for.
    Some of the junk newbs buy and post pics of is at times unreal,JMO, sorry for the rant.
    I guess you were born with a razor in your hand? I suppose you have never been a "noob" or bought a bad blade by accident. Thanks for the encouraging words though. You are my kind of mentor to make new people feel so welcome. Thanks a lot. You should expect people to line up to ask you about blades any time now.

  6. #35
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by pavespawn View Post
    I guess you were born with a razor in your hand? I suppose you have never been a "noob" or bought a bad blade by accident. Thanks for the encouraging words though. You are my kind of mentor to make new people feel so welcome. Thanks a lot. You should expect people to line up to ask you about blades any time now.
    Am not a mentor,never will be,wish you the best of luck.

  7. #36
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    I am going to close this thread for 24 hours and give everyone time to cool off a bit...

    Glen - Senior Mod SRP
    cudarunner and pixelfixed like this.

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  9. #37
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    I have seen some of those colors develop on kitchen knives. Orange and blue. Potatos can do funny things to blank carbon steel. So in a way, 'color' can have multiple reasons. The telltale in this case is the pattern. The colors are progressing in a standard progression from blue to straw. The colors also progress more or less symmetrically from a central location.

    Those 2 things together are proof enough that this is heat damage with a typical pattern, instead of the pseudo random pattern of discolorations that could be acid based.
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  10. #38
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    Bruno, it is headed your way. $12 to ship so not too bad. I appreciate the effort either way.
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  11. #39
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    No problem. I'll update this thread with pics when I am giving it a go.
    pavespawn likes this.
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    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    pavespawn (06-03-2013)

  13. #40
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    I thought folks might like to know that eBay has resolved the case that I opened against the seller of this blade in my favor. I had asked for at least a 50% refund of my purchase price but they are refunding the entire purchase price! Wow. I didn't expect to win the case. I just wanted to cause enough butt pain to the seller to try and keep him from doing this again.

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