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  1. #1
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    Default My little restore horror.

    I found this razor on e-bay. Cheap enough but it had that rust line so I sent a note to the seller asking if it maybe had a crack there. The seller sent me the razor for free and when I got it I cleaned the rust off and found no crack.
    Name:  spike.jpg
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    There was 1 in the toe that went @ a 45 into the blade so I made it into a round point and did some of the heavy hand sanding to see if it would clean up nice. It did so I went to work on the scales. 1 side was broke in half. I glue it back together but decided to go all the way.

    Name:  Copy of spike3.jpg
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    I went through the whole process of removing the bolsters and refitting them to the new scales. With some temporary pins I put the whole thing together and was getting proud of my work.

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    I went back to sanding out the grits of the previous papers and it was going well. Then I heard this noise. If any of you have heard it before you know the feeling that comes right after it. I didn't have to look to know but I did hoping it wasn't so bad. It was.

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    So now comes the "what did I do wrong part". I wasn't using any more pressure when sanding and I had the blade laying on a board supporting it from the back to prevent this from happening. I may have slipped out of position some but I can't help thinking maybe I didn't round the toe off past the crack enough in the first place leaving a weak point. No matter, these are all things that will go through my mind next time. Not to mention I will finish the blade from now on before I go to making new scales for it.
    Now it sits in a baggie waiting for ????????
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  2. #2
    Senior Member stonebraker's Avatar
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    I can see that razor getting upset with a name like SPIKE and becoming a new round point. I hate when they decide to break on youIt may make a great shorty, and you could make it a spike point again You already have the scales made. Nice transfer of the bolsters. I really like the green on green. I have many of those challenging peices as I am cheap and usually a cheap blade has a major problem such as a crack. I feel for you after putting in the time and effort. It is disheartening

  3. #3
    Huh... Oh here pfries's Avatar
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    WHY OH WHY....

    Sorry to see that 10Pups,
    shorty's are not all bad I have one I use semi regularly, and there is a thread running that asked for pictures of shorty's.
    It is just Whisker Whacking
    Relax and Enjoy!

  4. #4
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Isn't there a Spike in the contest give away this month? Hope you entered, those scales I'm sure took a lot of work.

  5. #5
    Senior Member
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    My bet, FWIW:

    . . . The crack (from the toe) was longer than you thought.

    Take a stiff drink in memoriam . . .

    . Charles
    . . . . . Mindful shaving, for a better world.

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