I was looking at my ever growing Hone collection the other day, especially the Coticules and BBW's. I got to thinking, these are natural hones, and one day will go by way of the Legandary Escher. The last time I spoke to Howard, he told me he was having a hard time getting the larger 8x3's.
I speak to Rob frequently too, and he's having to go deeper and deeper to get the Select grade hones that are one's you want for your str8's.
I think he told me he figures there's at least another 50 years of Coticule there, but I don't think there's anyway to know for sure what's left.

I love these hones. They are among my favorites. I love the finish is put's on my blade, I love the versatility of it. Raise a slurry, and it works like no other hone. The Garnet's in these hones are truly unique. If you have the means, I'd get one.