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  1. #21
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Drink Dr. Pepper instead. I'm a Pepper, he's a Pepper, she's a Pepper, we're a Pepper. What's confusing about that?


  2. #22
    Electric Razor Aficionado
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    A) The list isn't in a format my computer can understand, so unless your ebay name is the same as your SRP name, or you've been around long enough that I've noticed a correlation between the ebay auction and the crowing post on SRP then I haven't a clue who you are

    B) I snipe, so it's highly likely that even if I know your ebay name I would have seen it before I won (or lost)

    C) Y'know what *really* sucks? Letting somebody "have" an auction you really want, only to watch them lowball the auction and get beaten by somebody else for 2/3 of what your snipe price.

    If you really want that item, then contact me via PM and maybe I'll sell it to you if I'm not too attached to it. Sometimes I snipe on stuff that's just kinda interesting, but sometimes it's something I really really want, in which case all bets are off.

    And remember, the real reason you lost the auction is somebody else wanted it more than you, so be happy for them.
    Last edited by mparker762; 02-28-2007 at 06:54 PM.

  3. #23
    Carpe Jugulum custommartini's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mparker762 View Post
    A) The list isn't in a format my computer can understand, so unless your ebay name is the same as your SRP name, or you've been around long enough that I've noticed a correlation between the ebay auction and the crowing post on SRP then I haven't a clue who you are

    B) I snipe, so it's highly likely that even if I know your ebay name I would have seen it before I won (or lost)

    C) Y'know what *really* sucks? Letting somebody "have" an auction you really want, only to watch them lowball the auction and get beaten by somebody else for 2/3 of what your snipe price.

    If you really want that item, then contact me via PM and maybe I'll sell it to you if I'm not too attached to it. Sometimes I snipe on stuff that's just kinda interesting, but sometimes it's something I really really want, in which case all bets are off.

    And remember, the real reason you lost the auction is somebody else wanted it more than you, so be happy for them.

    It wasn't you mparker762, and I have absolutly no intention of revealing who it was. That is not what I want to do at all. Rather I would like to know what the general feeling is that everyone has about the name list and maybe get people to think. Maybe the thought "hmmm, wow, this is working for me, having my name on a list so others don't run up my cost and bid against me...maybe I should do the same" might pass through.
    It has little to do with winning or losing, but rather the method and conduct along the way.

  4. #24
    Vitandi syslight's Avatar
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    Default My auction style

    I do try and look to see if the bidder is a member. but that does not always stop me.
    Often i am the first bidder on my auctions and if so usually the bid is real low... go ahead and bid against it. If it is something i really want one of us will be overpaying, so be it.

    usually on the last day of an auction i look again and decide if i want to increase the bid... if the name is in the list i usually don't bother... i'm approaching my first 100 razors... there will always be more.

    That boker kentriv just got i only wanted it 40 dollars worth, on ebay but i had a snipe at 75, by the time that went in the price was well above it... beside i already have 2 red injuns... just neither that in mint condition.
    that was my third snipe attempt... i have only one one so far.

    Summing up... i try to lookout for people i know but in the end the final price is whatever you think it is worth. Stop there take a deep breath and find another auction.

    this one looks nice, it is a relist and i'm afriad to find the reserve price, it is somewhere above 60$us.
    Be just and fear not.

  5. #25
    Senior Member Kentriv's Avatar
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    Yeah, I didn't recognize your name Syslight, but I did see another member on the Boker. It was a few days before the end of the auction, but he never came back to rebid after his had been beaten. I had watched that bid for three days and then decided to hold back until the last five minutes or so. I guess I kind of sniped in a manual way. I have never used a sniping program before. I only recently learned about them. I don't bid much though so that is probably why.

    Anyway, my approach is that if it is something that I want, but not super badly, then I will probably pass on it for another member. This will work to keep me in check on my spending habits haha. I could very easily splurge on this stuff. If it is something that I really want, then I feel it is fair game. May the highest bidder win.

  6. #26
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I try not to bid against members but this doesn't always stop me, and I'm not checking the ebay list every day...

    As Michael said, it sucks to hold of on something you really want, then see the other member lose low or see someone buy it just to flip it.

    All are welcome to comtact me on something they lost - I may or may not be willing to give it up, depending on how much I want / value it and how long I have been trying to get one.

    Sniping is the way to go. If all people sniped, the world would have been a better place Just because I didn't bid early on an item doesn't mean that I don't review my multiple searches daily.

    Recently I bid on an item early - just because I really wanted it. Did this stop other members from bidding? No. Am I mad about it ? No. Did I win it? Yes. Did I pay more than necessary? Who knows. It was worth it to me. I'd love to get a nice deal, but paying something's worth ain't that bad either. The big issue is when I value something way more than most people, and happen to meet someone else who does too. Then the cost skyrockets


  7. #27
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    Well I'm guilty of bidding against some members. I'm new and didn't know about the list. I just bidded how much I was willing to pay and got beat. all well. I have refrained from some bidding on items because I recognized the members. But I also don't feel to bad as I have seen some members on just about every razor I wanted. I'm just starting out have no intention of passing on 10 or 20 different razors for one member. If I do notice in the future a member I'll contact them and if they are willing to pay more I wont bid to help them keep the price down. My ebay id is jseymour78374. So sorry if I drove up the price on anyone here. I really want to get a dubl duck goldenedge. I'm a custom knifemaker and really want to know why this one particular razor is so sought after and possibly pattern a razor after it.

  8. #28
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    The Goldedge is not the hottest Duck - the Wonderedge is. Not that the GE is a bad razor, it's a great razor. They are made from different steels and have different temper treatments


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