"japanese tradition", cheap al-ox or silicon carbide stone similar to what you find for $10.

Vincent Professional Razor, Clipper, Knife, Blade Sharpening Hone Stone 500...


"vincent professional". Interesting brandname.

Ebay sort of lets the air out of the seller's tires by showing a bunch of the same thing for a quarter of the price at the bottom of the listing. Strange thing going on with the ID of the listing, too. If my eyes aren't deceiving me, the seller ID has 1.5 million feedback, but only a few sales recently of things way overpriced (someone got taken for $22 or something for 24 common tea bags!!). Did they sell their business or ebay ID to someone else? Maybe it was stolen, who knows?

Just plain weird, and even more weird is the fact that this listing was presented to me by ebay when I searched "hard arkansas stone".