Quote Originally Posted by murph View Post
I have to agree that the abbreviated word is really only used in a racist way on this side of the pond and saying it out loud in public could get you into a lot of trouble with the authorities.

What!!! you can get in trouble with the law for just saying something? Man I knew my ancestors left for a reason.

While the government is chipping away at our rights little by little you can still say anything without getting arrested, no matter how offensive. Case in point that shock jock who has the media up in arms over his "racist"/ "sexist" remarks. People think he should lose his job and there are probably a few who think he should be lynched or worse but nobody thinks he did anything illegal. just in bad taste.

One thing to remember:

This is a label nothing more. It only has the power to hurt if the sayer intends it to, AND the recipient allows the speaker to have the superior position by recognizing the slur as derogatory.