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Thread: warning trick photography being employed

  1. #11
    Kyle Redcane's Avatar
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    Rez isn't this the same guy from the wall of shame?

  2. #12
    illegitimum non carborundum Utopian's Avatar
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    One of my first if several times being burned on ebay was when I bought a rather unique trumpet mouthpiece. Photos and description seemed fine but when I got it the end that was supposed to fit into to fit into the trumpet was crushed flat. Seller had the nerve to tell me that I could just pay to have it repaired--no apology, no explanation, he just told me I bought it so it was my problem now. There was no recourse back then other than negative feedback and of course he retaliated with the same.

    Some sellers just don't care about anything but a fast buck. I would guess these tyoes maintain multiple seller accounts.

  3. #13
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    Once you look at how much it will cost to ship a razor back to Japan, with some form of shipping/delivery confirmation (which you will need when he says "never got it") suddenly people are not so quick to bitch. And if you leave a negative feedback, the guy can just counter with "if they were unhappy, why didn't they return it?" so they can try to get the negative removed.
    I am willing to bet a polite complaint letter (NEVER threaten with negative feedback, Ebay will hold that against you if its in writing!) will get you a partial refund. Myself, I have passed on everything this seller has had up for offer, for the simple fact that studying the minimal pictures on my 60" big screen, have left me with nothing but doubts. Now those doubts are confirmed.
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  4. #14
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    According to the Email I just received from Ebay the seller has authorized a return and is paying for the shipping. About $68 US for the return shipping.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  5. #15
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    Excellent news. Sadly, I am guessing it will just land back up there with the same photo set... Is this the same seller that puts kamisori up with completely ruined omote sides?
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  6. #16
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It is sad. The other part that is sad is that if he had communicated with me about this and perhaps apologized said it was his mistake or almost anything, I would not be sending it back. I sent him three emails, two of which were very polite, the third perhaps a wee bit of tone to it. He said nothing back, not one single word. So I think that it will back on the market fairly soon. Hopefully he learns something about honest sales, but I find it unlikely.
    Wullie and MikeB52 like this.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  7. #17
    Tradesman s0litarys0ldier's Avatar
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    Default warning trick photography being employed

    So he should pay the return shipping if it wasn't what you expected or purchased. I had a recent thing occur I purchased a T.I. Paddle strop from classicshaving under the assumption I could use it for everyday stropping but then when I read the description again I saw that both sides were roughened. (I'll add that classicshaving is about the only retailer of that particular strop to state both sides were suede) There customer service is excellent as I emailed them and politely asked for a refund as I wanted a strop for everyday stropping and not pastes. They responded quickly and were very nice about the whole thing and gave me a full refund without the re-stocking fee. I really appreciate their kindness and respect for their customers.

    Anyways, the point I'm trying to get at is sometimes we do not see things when on the Internet or we don't read things right the first time. It's not like we can hold it in our hands.. It's just a picture. Didn't anyone tell you looks can be deceiving Shaun?

    Another thing is that for refunds and most things in life if you don't ask you'll never receive. It's great to ask especially if the product you spent your hard earned money on isn't exactly what you wanted.

    My last point is that some people like to hide the truth or withhold information that would effect your purchase . That is just downright sneaky and I would also consider that lying . These people would sell you their soul if it could be sent light package with tracking.

    Glad things worked out for you

    Well not worked exactly how you expected but you know what I mean..
    Last edited by s0litarys0ldier; 04-08-2015 at 03:39 AM.
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  8. #18
    Senior Member blabbermouth Substance's Avatar
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    Dammit looking through the thread the pic looks familiar, so I have just realized this is the same seller I have a Bismark coming from.
    hope it is only a 1 off occurrence if not it will get added to this post
    this is what is expected.
    Name:  1.JPG
Views: 397
Size:  30.1 KBName:  3.JPG
Views: 395
Size:  28.5 KB
    hopefully for the $24AUD delivered it cost me it is ok
    Keep you posted
    to shave another day.

  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    It does not look like anyone worked that bismark over with a dremel. I sincerely hope it was an honest mistake. However seeing as how the seller has not even said one word to me it is really hard to gauge what his practices are like. I hope you don't have to add to this thread.
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    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  10. #20
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    He really just needs to take profile photos of his blades.... I want large sharp photos of blades with good lighting where I can see all the hone wear, oxidation, evidence of past damage, etc... Not photos of blades placed on cups and mugs at obtuse angles that distort even the most basic aspects.

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