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Thread: Anyone here?

  1. #61
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    I have pics of the eBay one. The ones with the etch are a different one what it should look like. Did the head on photos not ul on the prior page?

  2. #62
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    Ah, question answered, all makes sense now.
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  4. #63
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    I just hope whoever did buy that for $500 had the good sense to ask about that because if they are expecting giant wedgy awesomeness, they are bound to be disappointed. Just a good example of a be careful lot
    Last edited by kcb5150; 02-04-2016 at 03:21 AM.

  5. #64
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    There isn't a pic of the eBay blade head on to see the hollow and one of the spine laying on a table looking top down on the edge up by me? Didn't work? Exactly, just a/b photos to differentiate. I figured the intent was obvious

  6. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    No, actually it is there. Possibly mentioning a different razor at some point would help the daftest of us.

    So I don't think any of these beasts have been reground. Etch would not be there?
    I'm so confused right now. What's the problem? There's a discussion going on about 2 different razors now on one thread. There's some talks of regrind "snobbery" and on top of that there are picture post of masonic etchings of a razor that isn't either 1) from the original post of the topic or 2) of the one that was just won on ebay.
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  7. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by sharptonn View Post
    No, actually it is there. Possibly mentioning a different razor at some point would help the daftest of us.

    So I don't think any of these beasts have been reground. Etch would not be there?
    Wow! Who would pay for the like of something like that?
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  8. #67
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    What is there to be confused over? I provided the link initially that clearly stated it was a greaves, and then showed the photos the seller sent privately showing the thinned out grind, then I showed a weathered, albeit intact example of that model with the etch and meat intact. I didn't want to start a new thread to talk about yet another big sheffield from the current rash that just sold, but this one was a bit interesting to me. It kind of sold in the low end for one with the correct grind in a pre resto state so I'm just saying hopefully whoever bought that asked first because wanting a wedge and getting a quarter hollowish blade instead is a drag at that kind of money. Plus it has the pitting and less meat to cope. Just surprising to me height or not.

  9. #68
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    I figured it would maybe land $375-400ish, but so goes the bay

  10. #69
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    The ebay greaves grind that I showed on pg 5.... I don't know what was so difficult to follow...

  11. #70
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    Ok so this is just me talking your request I went back to page 5. Here's where it gets

    1) The confusion for me is that the 2 images that you posted are followed up by the phrase "If the pitting is gnarly at all, losing a lot of height you paid for due to lack of meat" I don't even know what that means. Does that mean " If the pitting is gnarly at all (you will be) losing alot of height you paid for due to a lack of meat". It's the grammer for me first off.

    2) Then I'm not sure if the 2 pics that you posted are from the 1 3/16 Greaves from the ebay link you posted because I can't see the scales, just the technically it could be from any razor. I don't know. Are you saying that those 2 pics on the white background are from the seller of the 1 3/16 Greaves straight razor? That's confusing.

    3) Then you said it was the blade was reground. Then Tom said it wasn't reground at 10:10 yesterday
    "So I don't think any of these beasts have been reground. Etch would not be there?" - Sharptonn
    So that's confusing.

    4)Then after that you showed another set of pics of a different Greaves razor with black scales with Masonic etching with a rubber band around the handle. A) Which is obviously not the Stenton razor that this original thread was created around. B) Obviously it's not the 1 3/16 Greaves razor that you sent the ebay link for. That's definitely a little confusing.

    Maybe these 4 points help to define what is not so obvious to the rest of us (from grammer, to links posted, to subsequent images chosen as to why this is alittle confusing. AND..and why maybe why a new thread should have been made.

    Don't worry when I get my razor I'll make sure to make a new thread and post the rest of the conversation in the section called "Show & Tell" to help eliminate the confusion. We can continue the discussion there.

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