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Thread: The Tip Hotline!

  1. #31
    Member ob1page's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Crawler View Post
    I'm curious if you were able to make it to the auction? You are not required to answer publicly; I just have an insatiable curiosity, & it makes my brain "itch" much less if I at least ask! Lol.

    Happy hunting!
    Unfortunately I was unable to go but I appreciate that you looked up the information.
    Crawler likes this.
    "We sleep safe in our beds because rough men stand ready in the night to visit violence on those who would do us harm."
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  2. #32
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Well, crap! I just gave my best source a shake to see what fell out, and it's practically nothing within 150 miles of Phoenix for the next month! The only hit I got back was a lot of four or five safety razors in a consignment auction on Sunday, somewhere within a hundred miles of ya... Sorry.

    Some markets (area/regions) are better hunting grounds than others. With similar criteria, I get an average of three to ten listings that are near(ish) me in the next week! Granted, some of those listings will turn out to be a false-positive because of "razor scooters" .
    ob1page likes this.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  3. The Following User Says Thank You to Crawler For This Useful Post:

    ob1page (08-12-2016)

  4. #33
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Default Noble, IL.

    DATE: SEPT 17TH 2016 @ 9 AM


    Name:  DT8.JPG
Views: 147
Size:  10.9 KB

    Sorry about the completely crappy pic. It's the one & only. Apparently, the operator of the camera doesn't believe in settings higher than "minimum"...

    I see at least 7 SRs, with a possible 8th. Despite the poor quality pic, I can see one blade has a chunk missing .

    Thanks for tuning in! And don't forget to add your vote to the poll!!
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  5. #34
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Default Laingsburg, MI.

    I think that, by now, y'all know I do what I can to find usable (or any!!!) pics for these listings. Among other reasons, it helps me evaluate if it is even worth my time and effort to post it over here. "Razor" could mean a frackin scooter! Or a Phillips Norelco beard trimmer. And everything in between. Which brings me to the next listing...

    They mention "Straight Razors". I was only able to find a single pic. Of boxed-up razors (3). And a strop that wasn't mentioned in the listing. And that required above average web-fu sleuthing!

    Saturday August 27, 2016 10:00 AM


    Name:  AWT RAZORS.jpg
Views: 165
Size:  319.5 KB

    I don't recognize the logon but I assume the light blue box is for a bracelet/necklace.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  6. #35
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    Hey You Can Always Email The Auctioneer & Ask Them If There Are Any Other Straights Or Shaving Related Items & If So Could He Post A Picture Of Items,Just A Thought That Works From Time To Time,Ty

  7. #36
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Addison View Post
    Hey You Can Always Email The Auctioneer & Ask Them If There Are Any Other Straights Or Shaving Related Items & If So Could He Post A Picture Of Items,Just A Thought That Works From Time To Time,Ty
    Emphasis added.

    I am aware of that. I've tried it before, and it's (at least) a crap-shoot, at best. Some of them don't list an e-mail, just a phone number.

    I've asked about an item in an auction more than two weeks away, and never heard back. The least they could have done was to give me a non-answer like: "We catalog the items as thoroughly as possible in one shot, and nothing is updated between the listing & the auction. Sorry!"... And then there are those that are shockingly communicative! Like the anvil I asked about roughly a week ago. I e-mailed the auctioneer around 7pm, on a Sunday. He responded, giving me a phone number & a name to get the answer I was looking for. That wasn't the shocking part; he had responded almost immediately ! That was a pleasant surprise.

    It just depends.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  8. #37
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Default Columbus, Ohio area!

    This listing lacked an exact address. I don't blame them. They did, however, have full resolution pics! You can really zoom in on these bad boys! Too bad they didn't use a tripod to steady the camera...

    Saturday, August 27, 2016, 10 AM in the Clintonville/Beechwold area (exact address withheld- follow directions and signage). From N. High Street, take Henderson Road East, turn Right on Village Drive to auction. Signs posted.

    Gillette display case, back-right corner cracked.
    Name:  492.jpg
Views: 151
Size:  48.0 KB

    I think this is most of 'em. I might have seen a few others, in random places .
    Name:  602.jpg
Views: 128
Size:  57.8 KB

    Probably the same razors, just in a more organized fashion.
    Name:  614.jpg
Views: 128
Size:  76.7 KB

    Thanks for tuning in! If you make out like a bandit, please keep the Monthly Giveaway in mind.

    P.S. Not sure if I stated as much in my initial post for this thread, but it don't hurt to repeat myself every few pages... I have no affiliations with any of these companies/listings/original property owners. And I am not benefiting from these in any way!
    Last edited by Crawler; 08-24-2016 at 11:15 PM.
    Geezer likes this.
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  9. #38
    Senior Member Crawler's Avatar
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    Default Troy, OH! Short Notice!!

    Late notice listing!

    Sorry, not all listings are put on the internet more than a few days/a week before they happen. But this ine is worth mentioning! They say there are around 40 SRs in this auction! Yet, only one pic that includes about half of that...

    Name:  2016-09-03 18.33.47.png
Views: 132
Size:  343.0 KB

    It is Sunday, September 4. At 11am.

    650 N. Co Road 25A
    Miami Co. Fairgrounds (Duke Building)
    Troy , Oh
    Decades away from full-beard growing abilities.

  10. #39
    Senior Member Ernie1980's Avatar
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    Nice idea! I am always on the lookout for auctions and places to find old blades

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