While I hope everything works out for you I notice that everyone is making the statement that the blade is different than what was described. The blade was never described as "un-used", she said the blade showed "little to no use."

As far as I can see in yours and her pictures that is true. I don't imagine the amount of work required to make this blade shave ready is significantly more than what you should have been expecting to do from the start with an ebay purchase. I go through the whole process of resetting the bevel on up regardless of how the edge looks because you just don't know the quality of the edge.

The problem is we as members of this community have a much better grasp on the quality issues that a casual seller. I don't think she was being misleading, the razor looks to be in good condition aside from the warpage and minor edge damage. To a non straight user that looks very much like "little to no use."

I think if you had paid less for the same razor described in the same way then there wouldn't be an issue.

If you get everything resolved that's awesome. I say hone that puppy up and enjoy it, from what I see it's not in all that bad of shape.