Results 21 to 23 of 23
02-23-2011, 12:37 AM #21
You make valid points. But in view of the above statement, I'll wait until we share that drink. I will bring a very nice cigar that I think you will enjoy, and won't take offense if you don't, and we can beat this to a pulp. And I've a feeling it won't matter if we reach consensus.
So I'll concede that your point of view and arguments give me food for thought without just yet surrendering my position... at least until we talk.
And you're welcome to borrow and try a couple of my razors that you can't afford on ebay.
As a side note, I can't afford them on eBay or anywhere else for that matter. (I was going to put a smiley here but somehow didn't seem to reflect my true feelings)
02-23-2011, 01:03 AM #22
hi marcos,
you don't have to concede anything, we can make arguments forever but eventually everybody can have their own viewpoint and that's perfectly fine and what makes life more interesting. if everybody thought exactly like me i wouldn't bother at all to find out what that is since i already know it
and most certainly one doesn't need to have fancy razors to enjoy this type of shaving - there are great razors at almost every price point, I have all kinds and enjoy them all.
02-23-2011, 02:46 AM #23
No disagreement there. That's what keeps us on the game.
I make the concession gladly; it's not a forfeit nor a defeat. It simply is an acknowledgment that you shed a light on the issue that I hadn't thought of, and it has weight, merit, and deserves consideration. It's a good thing, and the best outcome of debates.
This does not mean we are done, you and II've enjoyed the exchange and propose to resume it later, in a better setting.
Warmest regards,