Quote Originally Posted by MasterMason03 View Post
Just another exchange with the seller.


Dear billiardcues,

For all I know, there could be a bunch a junk blades with pretty scales on them. I have amassed quite a collection myself in the tune of 40 plus and I have probably spent no more than a thousand on them. Yes, unique scales adds value to a razor but the value is more in the blade itself, age, style of grind, manufacturer, and et cetera. I have razors that are in pristine condition that date back to the reign of Queen Victoria. It is a shame that serious collectors and users of straight razors cannot share in this lot.


Dear captjohnarcher,

I'm trying to find time to take photos of each razor separately, as they should be shown. If I get it done I'll post them on ebay. These are the cream of the crop examples from three decades of watching for and trading razors, of which we had a little over 1,200. I realize that blades mean a lot to some collectors, but we mostly focused on the most interesting and most difficult to find patterns. And just in case you're not aware of it, the shotgun razor is worth three times this average, and the Indian-WITHOUT-THE SWAZTIKA - twice the average. Funny, here we are, trying to give newer razor collectors a wonderful and very rare opportunity to purchase 38 excellent pieces, without forcing them take a ton of near worthless ones, and at prices we paid for them ourselves more than 15 years ago, when we QUIT collecting, and throw in a very nice case, and we get an email like this.

- billiardcues
Smh... -.-