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Thread: A chance to save 3 grand!

  1. #11
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryan82 View Post
    I dunno. $12000-$15000 could buy a lot of "rare" razors lol...

    Oh and to be sure, I have several one of a kinds

    My point is, for someone to buy this, they are going to have to believe that it is worth more than they are paying (typical economics)...and the question is, does that person exist?

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth kalerolf's Avatar
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    Default Re: A chance to save 3 grand!

    Hee, free shipping thats a good deal i think.
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  3. #13
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    I don't think you need an historian, trusted or otherwise, to tell you that a fool and their money are soon parted.

    IMO the seller is trying to imply that this razor actually belonged to whoever this person is. If you are happy with drawing that kind of inference from that kind of data, then I have several "incredibly rare" razors owned by a Mr Full Concave that I'd be willing to part with for several hundred thousand dollars!

    Someone should report this twit, but he's slightly too clever to make any claims at all regarding the provenance of the blade. Let's hope potential buyers are slightly too clever to fall for his deception.

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  4. #14
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    I don't think you need an historian, trusted or otherwise, to tell you that a fool and their money are soon parted.

    IMO the seller is trying to imply that this razor actually belonged to whoever this person is. If you are happy with drawing that kind of inference from that kind of data, then I have several "incredibly rare" razors owned by a Mr Full Concave that I'd be willing to part with for several hundred thousand dollars!

    Someone should report this twit, but he's slightly too clever to make any claims at all regarding the provenance of the blade. Let's hope potential buyers are slightly too clever to fall for his deception.

    I think that guy had a cousin named Mr. Extra Hollow...I have a few of his creations and they are pretty dang good and a little more rare than the ones by a man named Ger.
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  5. #15
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The problem is if it said Ben Franklin and you had provenance it would be well worth it to a dedicated collector. But there is no provenance here and the individual even if it was his is just not that type of individual who would command that type of price. Now maybe if you were a wealthy collector of mining memorabilia it might be just what you are looking for.
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  6. #16
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    With such a savings how could any of us pass that up. I am sure we all would have paid the initial 15k but at 12k WOW WHAT A STEAL.....

  7. #17
    ace is offline
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    I have a Wade and Butcher 8/8 that's been owned by this guy named 'Ace'. I've lowered it from $9000 to $8000, free shipping as well.
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  8. #18
    Rock collector robellison01's Avatar
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    I live in Coal City, Il. Braidwood Il is the town next door, and the birthplace of John Mitchell. I would give the seller 20 bucks for it, based on the fact that it has local history behind it. Anyone who would pay that much money for any razor, I dont care who's name is on it, is a nut.

    I think I will add it to my watch list. I have a feeling it will be relisted a few times.
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  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trox View Post
    I asked the wife if she would get that for me for my christmas present....she laughed at me
    If I had a wife, I'd sell her & one of my Wade & Butchers for that price.
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  10. #20
    Orange County N.Y. Suile's Avatar
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    This is one item i would never buy.
    I buy these things at a price i think is dirt cheap.
    20 bucks for this would not be dirt cheap.
    spin wear edge sharpened unevenly.
    I would have to stop buying razors if that was the only one left.
    But i know they are never going to run out of straights razors to buy.
    Life is awesome a freind of my saids he has 3 swiss army razors.
    when he finds them he going to give them to me.

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