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Thread: Oldest straight razor on eBay?

  1. #21
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    I added it to my watch list... Will be fun to see if he unloads it.
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  2. #22
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Interesting TV show reference. I can't remember if that particular show is the one where the family keeps pushing African American people out the shop (who seem to be the only customers) or the one with the overweight tattooed fellows with the old father? Regardless, I'd have no idea if they knew anything at all about straight razors.

    Surely, one thing that COULD be said, is that it's be nearly impossible to state if the scales are original. I am no expert, but I'm been racking my brains to think how one could be so sure of that as to state it as a fact.
    unit and Suile like this.
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  3. #23
    Natty Boh dave5225's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post

    Surely, one thing that COULD be said, is that it's be nearly impossible to state if the scales are original. I am no expert, but I'm been racking my brains to think how one could be so sure of that as to state it as a fact.
    You make a good point Carl , I really can't prove beyond any doubt , that the scales are not original to the razor . On the other hand , I would like to know who can prove beyond any doubt , that the scales are original to the razor . If you look at the pics (crappy as they are) it seems obvious , to me , that the scales are too narrow for the blade , and if you close the razor , I think the edge of the blade would be sticking out of the bottom of the scales . Which could be why the seller doesn't show a pic of the razor in the closed position .
    unit likes this.
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  4. #24
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post
    Interesting TV show reference. I can't remember if that particular show is the one where the family keeps pushing African American people out the shop (who seem to be the only customers) or the one with the overweight tattooed fellows with the old father? Regardless, I'd have no idea if they knew anything at all about straight razors.

    Surely, one thing that COULD be said, is that it's be nearly impossible to state if the scales are original. I am no expert, but I'm been racking my brains to think how one could be so sure of that as to state it as a fact.
    In case you care (and hopefully you don't). The first show you describe is called Hard Core Pawn and is set in Detroit Michigan in a very rough area of a very rough town...I used to work down the street from this place. I believe it is probably a much more accurate depiction of what happens in most pawn shops...I could be wrong.

    The second show you describe is Pawn Stars, and is the one referenced in the eBay listing....and I am inclined to agree with your conjecture that these fellows have no idea (or at least not a similar idea to OURS) about straight razors and their value.

    Both shows are entertaining...just like these 24 hour news networks...but perhaps none of them should be trusted implicitly for unbiased information

  5. #25
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    The Pawn Star store is in Las Vegas and is very much a tourist trap. My brother went there to check it out while he was in Vegas and said the line out the door was about a 20 minute wait. Good luck talking to one of the stars unless you have an appointment or flash some big bucks. After he got in he said there was a section that you see on TV and another that you could afford to shop in. Most people bought something just to have bragging rights but as my Bro said...." I wouldn't spend a buck on what that guy paid 20 dollars for. And he thought he got a great . This is my brothers story about it and I have no interest in such a folly so as to go see for myself. When I am in Vegas it is to stop for gas on my way somewhere else. If I feel like gambling I throw 5 bucks out the window while on the freeway and that cures it. If I am lucky I don't get a ticket for littering.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  6. #26
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by carlmaloschneider View Post

    Surely, one thing that COULD be said, is that it's be nearly impossible to state if the scales are original. I am no expert, but I'm been racking my brains to think how one could be so sure of that as to state it as a fact.
    It cannot be stated as fact, but at a certain point, and 1000's of razors crossing ones hands and stones there comes a time that one finally says I am pretty darn sure I am right

    As Dave pointed out above and I said in my first post, the proportions are wrong, besides the fact that they have different pins top and bottom, and this era of razor is well past the point of production scales being put on at the factory/shop..

    Basically as they say in court "A preponderance of doubt is heavily weighed to the Non-Original side" ..

    But yer right Carl it is not a 100% fact but I would feel comfortable at the above 99% call

  7. #27
    Learning something all the time... unit's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 10Pups View Post
    If I feel like gambling I throw 5 bucks out the window while on the freeway and that cures it. If I am lucky I don't get a ticket for littering.
    This reminds me of the line in Vegas Vacation where the dealer suggests that Chevy Chase simply give him 500 bucks and take a kick to the groin so they can simply call it a day.

    This thread smells of rotten equestrian.
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  8. #28
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    +1 to what Glen said on the scales. That was the first thing that caught my eye. As far as original to the razor, maybe the original scales broke after year 1 and some guy put these on in the 1830s, who knows. Then they're not factory original, but have been on nearly as long. Still not very attractive.

    As to "possibly the oldest razor on ebay", possibly is a wise word to include. I've got at least two 18th century razors in my watch list at the moment...
    gooser likes this.

  9. #29
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by dave5225 View Post
    You make a good point Carl , I really can't prove beyond any doubt , that the scales are not original to the razor . On the other hand , I would like to know who can prove beyond any doubt , that the scales are original to the razor . If you look at the pics (crappy as they are) it seems obvious , to me , that the scales are too narrow for the blade , and if you close the razor , I think the edge of the blade would be sticking out of the bottom of the scales . Which could be why the seller doesn't show a pic of the razor in the closed position .
    Yeah, that's sort of what I'm saying, esp for old razors. I guess we could guess that an old razor with nicely worn horn scales and what look to be original pins is all original, but it must be hart to really know. I think 'mass produced' razors (I'm thinking of my Burrell Top Flight with it's cheap (plastic?) scales can be proven to be original just by knowing that so many were turned out with the same scales. I think any with wooden, and even horn etc scales would be harder to determine in this regard.

    I have an old De Pews, with what looks like horn scales, and al old Jernbolaget with what I am told are leather scales. However, if I were to advertise them, I wouldn't say they ARE original, as there really is no way for me to know that. I'd probably say they LOOK to be original, or simply 'have what apear to be quite old scales' :-)

    Anyway, I have too many other things begging for my money (like the wife) to afford 300 buckeroonies on ANY razor, original and rare or not. Some of my favorite razors were cheapies, the Burrell Top Flight is an example, even with its cheap scales!
    dave5225 likes this.
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  10. #30
    Plausibly implausible carlmaloschneider's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by unit View Post
    In case you care (and hopefully you don't). The first show you describe is called Hard Core Pawn and is set in Detroit Michigan in a very rough area of a very rough town...I used to work down the street from this place. I believe it is probably a much more accurate depiction of what happens in most pawn shops...I could be wrong.

    The second show you describe is Pawn Stars, and is the one referenced in the eBay listing....and I am inclined to agree with your conjecture that these fellows have no idea (or at least not a similar idea to OURS) about straight razors and their value.

    Both shows are entertaining...just like these 24 hour news networks...but perhaps none of them should be trusted implicitly for unbiased information
    Yes, entertaining shows, but I just don't like the way the people in Hard Core Pawn treat their customers, it seems a very adversarial relationship. I think what it says about the demographics of the area is a bit sad too, I'd be interested to know if there are any African American people around that area who DON'T have to pawn their TV sets 'so they can gets some monies'. I guess I'm making a comment about equality and equity, and I know I'm WAY off topic... I'll illustrate this with two appropriate smilies...

    BTW, I mean no disrespect to either customers of the shop owners nor the shop owners, I'm sure it's a very trying job and tough times...

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