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Thread: Are young people into straight razor shaving?

  1. #11
    Senior Member Damo's Avatar
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    I seem to remember seeing a young shavers group somewhere on the site with a few members. It was under 25's which meant I just missed it. I started straight shaving with two good mates, we just decided it would be fun - I was actually the last of the three to buy into the idea. However, others seem interested in the idea, but never actually follow through to start up....

  2. #12
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    Both of my sons SR shave. 24 and 21. I did shave here and there with a straight since I was 14. It was way easier in the early days due to the quality of density of my whiskers being lower. Most of the time I have sported a beard and only shave for special events, like my wedding. I was recently visiting one of my daughters at university and there were a couple of her friends that were very interested in changing their shaving for many of the reasons the rest of us did.

  3. #13
    Member Seguragr's Avatar
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    I wish we had an AOS here. I even thought about giving some of my younger friends a set for a birthday or Christmas gift, but I hate to give something away and have it not go to use.

  4. #14
    Member WilliamDallaPorta's Avatar
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    Thanks to all of you guys that took the time to respond to this post. I have to say I couldn't agree more with bill3152, kids nowadays (and this is coming from a guy born in the 90s)
    seem to only focus on expensive pieces of eletronics and leave the old fashion playground, camping, etc fun aside. I think this kind of mentality afects their perception towards traditional
    things, such as a SR shave. I started shaving with a straight razor mainly because of the positive results to this skin one can achieve. When I tell my friends how I shave their reaction
    tend to be something like "wow, that's badass", the cool factor is what stands out in their minds, what they don't realize is that it's cheaper than shaving with cartriges razors and that
    there are a lot of benefits about wet shaving. I'm still working on them hehehe.

    Sorry for the long post, thanks again.
    Hayzee likes this.

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  6. #15
    Senior Member Damo's Avatar
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    haha - I also arrived at straight shaving because of cost benefits....not sure thats why I am sticking around.
    From a beneficiary's point of view (September razor) the more venerable members of this group, as someone stated it, have my thanks for keeping younger members interested and informed.

  7. #16
    Senior Member kwlfca's Avatar
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    I'm 24 and have been at it for about 8 months or so.

  8. #17
    No that's not me in the picture RoyalCake's Avatar
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    I think a site like this is crucial. Back when there wasn't a choice, obviously people used a straight. Now since it's not default, you need a little help like SRP.
    I tried a disposable straight from a pharmacy around the late 90s early 2000s or so. I never even talked to anyone much less was part of a forum. Needless to say the results weren't good and I ditched it. With SRP, got a proper start, and now it's guns a blazin.
    But you still have to have an interest in putting time into it. It obviously takes more skills to develop, but that's part of the appeal to me. I think about my son who is very young, and all he sees is me with a straight, so it'll be interesting to see if he picks it up.
    I love living in the past...

  9. #18
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    Dude, I am 22 and I am SICK into it. Straights are totally badass and I like everything about them. My Great Grandpa shaved with a straight, and I got his razor in my collection. My Grandpa and my Dad used DE, my Dad switched to cartridges, and now he is switching to straights, too. Jealous of the kid, LOL! Anyway, what's not to like? Enviromentally friendly-- not using up resources and not filling up landfills with blue plastic handles and crap. No empty cans of foamy stuff being tossed. Low impact on our planet. Efficient. Nothing wasted. Don't run out of blades ever. Don't have to shop for the best price on those crazy cartridges with umpty blades and micro-lubro-wearindication-superblue strips on them. It's my way of giving the finger to a big mega corporation that lies to us and brainwashes us with ads and I hope they hate me and the thousands more who they can't sell their useless crap to. The shaves are better. More comfortable, and as close if not closer. The act of shaving is cool itself. I feel like I am a shave hero, doing something ordinary guys wish they could do. I really wish more young guys would get into it. We need to break the vicious cycle of marketing and new shave systems rammed down the throats of gullible consumers. THIS is obsolete, and THIS is new and improved and we don't know why you ever used that stuff from last year to shave with anyway, and oops... yeah we made that and we told you last year that it was the best thing ever but sorry we were wrong but we got it right this time and yeah sorry the cartridges cost a little more but its modern and better and so of course it has to cost more and look at all the star quarterbacks who use our new shaving system don't you want to be just like them they get all the chicks because they use our stuff blah blah blah. Smoke and mirrors. I guess you know what kind of smoke, too, LOL! They are just freakin HIGH to be telling us that those plastic doodads shave better than the unmentionable 100+ year old technology of the DE, let alone the straight razor. I say ram it to them. I been showing guys I went to school with and stuff how I shave these days and a few are interested, yeah. I got a couple of guys to try it and one guy wussed out but he is getting into DE shaving. Spread the good news, and no I don't mean THOSE good news LOL!
    Laurens, wtrwar and Splashone like this.

  10. #19
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    I started SRS when I was 47, ummm, still 47.

    I never knew, really, that it could be so freakin' cool. I'd given up on cartridge shaving due to the extreme rash I would get on my face, used an electric trimmer for ever.

    Glad I stumbled on to this place from one of the other forums I frequent ( and that's all she wrote. Started with the DE for a couple of months until I saw some posts on straight razors and the rest is history.

    I really wish I had known when I was in my teens, I've got a lot of catching up to do. So many razors, so little time and skin.

  11. #20
    Senior Member MrMagnus's Avatar
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    started at 24, now 26

  12. The Following User Says Thank You to MrMagnus For This Useful Post:

    bcw (10-18-2013)

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