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  1. #71
    Libertarian Freak Dewey's Avatar
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    To All Who Showed Up at the 1st Hone ' n ' Stroppers Club Meeting -
    Thanks! It was fun and very cool to see some of the goods in your collections! We had half a dozen at our table. Hope we can do it again some time and have an even larger turnout.

  2. #72
    Senior Member blabbermouth spazola's Avatar
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    I enjoyed the meeting in Arlington, it was good to put faces with names. There were several things which I thought were very good ideas, non slip pads on a barber hone, a hanging strop with the back side pasted and some really nice razor cases. It was also great to get to smell some of the soaps that I have heard about and thought about ordering, a good whiff beats any written description every time.
    I would encourage gatherings everywhere.

  3. #73
    Junior Member hans21386's Avatar
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    Hey guys,

    Sorry I haven't been on the last week and sorry I didn't show up. We just had a death in the family so I have been dealing with that. If we have another meeting I would love to come and I am sad I had to miss it.

    So what happened there?


  4. #74
    Still Keeping the Cheese
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    Default Had a good time

    There was much talk about razors and hones and cases and some very expertly made wooden razor scales, 8 or 9 soaps (TGQ and MB soaps were featured), Tony Miller strops and an impressive homemade strop by DEwey that was excellent, a 20/20 Keith DeGrau system and Bill Ellis resto jig were present, a Moss scuttle made an appearance, a set of Tilly's barber hones, some excellent vintage razors (including a stamped Ft. Worth razor, which I particularly liked) - and some decent guys, I enjoyed it greatly.

    Come to find out that reason why John Crowley didn't make it was entirely my fault - After mentioning so many times where the meeting was going to take place here on SRP, I didn't realize that I had not specified which of the several places we had discussed was the exact place we were meeting - I didn't tell John the Brewhouse - and it was completely my oversight. I was really looking forward to seeing some of his products too, and my disappointment was doubled when I realized it was my fault that he wasn't there. Sorry guys.

    I therefore nominate DEwey to set up the NEXT meeting!


  5. #75
    Libertarian Freak Dewey's Avatar
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    Hey Kriton,
    I thought that the location was pretty clear but that the time had not been mentioned for several pages of conversation. That's why I asked about the time for sure - at which time you clarified the time as well as the location. I guess our valued guest wasn't really keeping up with the thread. I hope it he and many others will make it for the next time around! Bottom line: I think we all had a good time and don't be too hard on yourself!

  6. #76
    Junior Member ecrus's Avatar
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    Default Looking for honers in Dallas for this weekend.

    I am traveling to Dallas for some time off. I was hoping I could drop of my razor to someone in the area and have it honed while I was there, instead of mailing it.

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