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  1. #11
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    Once while doing an XTG pass from my nose toward my ear, I went too far and made a HUGE slice in my earlobe. It was not pretty and took like 30 minutes to get the bleeding to stop.

  2. #12
    Member Ernie's Avatar
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    I messed up a nice leather strop with a deep cut today.
    Quote Originally Posted by gssixgun View Post
    .... All it takes is 1 second of inattention and 3 inches of the sharpest steel around
    Ain't that so.

  3. #13
    Still paying dues mvforza's Avatar
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    Haven't had a DEEP cut yet... but yesterday I did slice my neck pretty bad... bled like a mother. With my old Mach 3 (I forget how this happened, it must have been 6 years ago or so) I dug in deep on my upper lip. That was PAINFUL!

  4. #14
    Mocha Man mischievous's Avatar
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    O.K., all you guys who say "no, not me," are tempting Murphy's Law and I'm sure we'll be seeing you back at this thread very soon! I don't believe much, but I do believe in Mr. Murphy!
    And yes, I have cut myself, not deep, but deep enough to cause a scar about 1/4 inch long. Early on and a bad move on my part and ching, yep, that's going to bleed!

  5. #15
    At this point in time... gssixgun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mischievous View Post
    O.K., all you guys who say "no, not me," are tempting Murphy's Law and I'm sure we'll be seeing you back at this thread very soon! I don't believe much, but I do believe in Mr. Murphy!
    And yes, I have cut myself, not deep, but deep enough to cause a scar about 1/4 inch long. Early on and a bad move on my part and ching, yep, that's going to bleed!
    Hey I thought Mr. Murphy hated knocking on wood??????

  6. #16
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    I've gotten a couple of "reminders" on my chin over the course of learning to shave.

    I'd probably credit them to trying to learn honing and shaving simultaneously. My edges and technique has improved though and I havn't had a good bleeder in a couple of months now. I'm crossing my fingers now, but practice and patience has seemed to be a good solution.

    I also got a good one on my thumb within minutes of discovering the Thumb Pad Test! Haha!

  7. #17
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    So far, on my face, only the typical minor nicks. Straight razor shaving has caused me drawing less blood than with the safety razor I used before and gave me those bleeding patches in my neck and on my chin.
    I managed to slice into my thumb, while performing the thumb pad test a few weeks back.
    I think this thread will give a wrong idea about the danger of shaving with a straight razor: many unharmed shavers will not post, in fear of calling a nasty shaving accident upon themselves. Or the won't post, simply because there is nothing to tell.

    Personally I am a bit scared of a utilizing a spike point. I 've heard it can really dig into you skin if you don't pay careful attention. If there's any truth in that, I wouldn't recommend a spike point to a newbie.

  8. #18
    Junior Honemeister Mike_ratliff's Avatar
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    Now that's funny, I've never cut myself with a spike point... I have gotten a few small nicks on my ears while cleaning up my sideburns... and I still get an occasional nick on my jaw line or chin, but nothing deep.

  9. #19
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    About the 2nd week after I started straight shaving and I was feeling cocky about it I watched myself in the mirror as I did a lateral motion with my new Dorko. I think it took about 40 minutes to stop the bleeding. Right on the right side of my chin. I thought it would need stitches but it didn't but it left quite a scar.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  10. #20
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Mine wasn't deep, but more like shallow and wide - a skin flap actually, right on my left cheek just below the cheek bone. I have no idea what I was doing at the time, but I'm pretty sure I was not paying attention

    Now I have a nice little scar to remind me to never get complaisant.

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