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  1. #31
    Information Regurgitator TheBaron's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill S View Post
    I just spoke with Lynn. He and Don are going Mach 1.5 right now so some of the emails are taking some time to get answered. None the less, I'll be surprised if he doesn't get back to you pretty soon about getting together.

    I think this could be assumed for most SR vendors. Consider the growth this forum alone has seen in SR enthusiasts recently and considering it is the holidays with all that extra gift buying. I'm betting that we should all be patient with our favorite vendors, I'm sure they are quite over worked right now and doing all they can to keep up with the demand.

  2. #32
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill S View Post
    I just spoke with Lynn. He and Don are going Mach 1.5 right now
    I'm gonna wait till they go Fusion 2.5 (+0.5), then I'm in.

  3. #33
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    Well, I'm not giving up hope, I'm just trying not to build up hope :P

    I would love to meet them, but if they can't swing it, I don't want to be expectign anything...

    But thank you all for being so helpful! I love this site.

  4. #34
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    The door is always open!!!

    I picked up Mamma at the airport last night and have not had much of a chance to get on the computer.

    PM me and I'll give you my phone number and maybe I can swing a couple hours next week. I am a mile away from the Post Office. I'll be happy to work with you on honing and stropping. The store however is not at my place and if you do want to visit there, it will definitely be after the holidays, but we are always happy to have visitors and quite a few people have been there.

    Happy Holidays,


  5. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Lynn For This Useful Post:

    ShavedZombie (12-18-2009), ursus (12-19-2009)

  6. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by IanS View Post
    If he starts talking about vodka, pretend you know what he's talking about and say your favorite is Ketel one. Anyone who's favorite vodka isn't Ketel One is a communist. Also remember the foremost rule. No one old enough to buy vodka wastes their money on Grey Goose. GG is what kids who don't know any better buy because it's the only commonplace vodka that is premium. There are better and cheaper ones out there.

    Of course I mostly drink plastic handles run through charcoal so what do I know.
    I prefer Chopin to Ketel One, myself, just something about that slightly oily feel that potato vodka has. Ketel's still damn nice though.

  7. #36
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    Forgive me this outburst, but that easily made my week so much better.

    I live 10-15 minutes south of the post office, so this is the most convenient (and most wanted) learning experience I can remember. I was honestly dreading battering my pretty (and expensive) razors against a cold, unforgiving stone... Now I can learn from one of the best.

    I don't mind not being able to visit the store/warehouse, I just wanted to find a way to learn more about the craft other than trial by fire, because Mr. Miller makes too nice of strops for that :P

    Thank you so much, Mr. Abrams.

  8. #37
    Hones/Honing/Master Barber avatar1999's Avatar
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    Hehe, happy holidays ShavedZombie...looks like ya got your wish

  9. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by ShavedZombie View Post
    ....because Mr. Miller makes too nice of strops for that :P
    Yes, while on the subject of nice may get an education there as well......Lynn will probably have one or two pretty nice strops for you to look at

  10. #39
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    Quote Originally Posted by avatar1999 View Post
    Hehe, happy holidays ShavedZombie...looks like ya got your wish

    Considering my Xmas gift was a Tony Miller Horsehide and Nylon, It would seem my holidays are going to involve a lot of straight razory-ry. And I would not have it any other way

  11. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bill S View Post
    Yes, while on the subject of nice may get an education there as well......Lynn will probably have one or two pretty nice strops for you to look at
    I actually intended to bring my Dovo Best Quality, and TM Latigo and Cotton... since my Horsehide and Nylon is being mailed to a campus mailbox, I won't have that at the time... However, I have wanted a chance to (1.) get a feel for the SRD Latigo and Webbed fabric, since I've heard good things about them and (2.) see/maybe try out a 2.5 inch strop... I've only ever really used a 3inch...

    This is going to be a marvelous opportunity

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