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Thread: What's easier

  1. #1
    Senior Member dyimages's Avatar
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    Default What's easier

    Just wondering with a straight is it easier to Shave a very light growth or a day or two old growth. I have my complete kit ready to role but am wondering if I am better off letting my beard grow n a day or two first or start out with a light growth. I shaved last night befoer going out and right now still very smooth and no visible growth. Part of me thinks having something to cut would be easier than very little. Other part thinks very light growth means no pulling or tugging.....?

  2. #2
    ..mama I know we broke the rules... Maxi's Avatar
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    Having two days or so growth can be very satisfying to cut off, and if you soften the hair nicely during your prep you can get a very close shave. Having a little stubble makes the first couple shaves easier IMO.

  3. #3
    Senior Member blabbermouth Theseus's Avatar
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    When I started out I found it beneficial to have a couple days growth, as I had a more visual gauge of how my shave was going or went.

  4. #4
    Customized Birnando's Avatar
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    I really enjoyed a couple days worth of stubble when I started out.
    Nowadays, I just shave when needed.
    I can't really say the extra stubble makes a real difference, but it's one of the great features of the straight razor.
    No matter how long since your last shave, the straight will mow it down with ease!
    Um, all of them, any of them that have been in front of me over all these years....

  5. #5
    Senior Member dirtychrome's Avatar
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    IMO Maxi said it very well that it is satisfying to mow away a few days stubble. But wouldn't necessarily say it's easier as far as technique.

    When I was learning, being so charged up on trying to become proficient, I often would do a full shave at night, and just WTG the next morning.

    Maybe it was an ego thing, but figured men in a more primative enviorment, ages ago, did this routinely. I wasn't going to be beat.

    Heck, if I saw Bob's post, "so easy a 12 year old girl can do it" ,back then, I might have been doing it three times a day, lol

  6. #6
    Senior Member ats200's Avatar
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    To me it really doesn't matter. It's much different than cartridge razors where you have to stop and rinse between all 5 blades after every 2mm of shaving. It will be easier to see your progress if you have growth but I don't think it's necessarily any easier one way or another.

    With my cartridge razors I used to dread shaving any growth because it was like ripping hairs out of my face but it's just as smooth either way with my straights.

  7. #7
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    With experience it is neither easier or harder to shave off longer growth, it's pretty much business as usual. For for a first time straight shave (and likely the next shave or two afterwards) I would have to say that shorter stubble may provide better results. I say that because we read here all the time that Mr X's first shave went rough because "the razor felt dull and it tugged and skipped over the whiskers"....You get the point. IMO longer whiskers will only compound those sensations as the newbs technique and stropping skills will not yet be developed.

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  9. #8
    Senior Member Arbroath's Avatar
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    With a smaller blade, 4/8-5/8, I reserve for short growth. 6/8 and up I prefer for longer growth. Yes all sizes will cut similarly, but with a larger blade, you don't have to rinse/wipe as often. For me, it is more of a convenience factor. I find that I can do on one side the cheek/lip/chin/jaw with only cleaning once with a larger razor. Typically for each pass, I would clean 2-3 times. With a smaller razor, this would be largely multiplied.

  10. #9
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    The technique is no different. However I think most folks will tell you when they shave every other day they tend to get a better shave.
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  11. #10
    The Electrochemist PhatMan's Avatar
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    The good thing about straights is that they seem to work as well with a lot of growth as they do with little growth; this is unlike safety razors that (at least for me) tend to struggle with much growth !

    It also depends on how your whiskers behave with growth.

    For me Day 1 & Day 2 whiskers are noticeably tougher than Day 3 and beyond !

    I sometimes think my whiskers are made of M2 steel

    Have fun & Good shaving

    Best regards


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