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Thread: How often do you cut yourself? Be Honest...

  1. #111
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    [knock on wood] A little more than two years ago. And I don't miss it.

  2. #112
    Contains ingredients Tack's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JSmith1983 View Post
    Wish I didn't see this thread because as soon as I did I thought to myself that it has been awhile since I've cut myself, but now I know I am going to my next shave just because I thought that.
    Yesterday I was about to post that it's been long enough ago that I can't remember exactly when it was and that was just a dot the next day. (A "dot" is something that you neither felt or saw while shaving but notice the next day as a tiny pore-sized scab.) Then, like you I thought that posting it would bring down Miss Karma and her two-by-four upon me so I deferred.

    So guess what happend during last night's shave. It was just a nick and wiping it away with a fingertip was all the "care" it needed but there was blood so it counts. Apparently just thinking about bragging is enough to earn a poke from the Flying Fickle Finger of Fate!

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  3. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by rolodave View Post
    The times I have been cut have nearly always been on the second pass or trying to do a little touch up.

    This is one of my main reasons for doing one pass shaves. If the blade is right, a one pass will nearly always yield a DFS.
    I do 3 passes with a little touch up on my neck everyday. If I would have stopped there, I would have been fine, but I was feeling particularly confident that day so I decided to see just how close I could get. The funny thing is that I almost never do any touch up above my jawline, but this day I was getting the side burn area one last time when BANG. Horrible feeling slicing your face! Thank god it wasn't deep. Only a slight bit of blood that needed no assistance to stop, but I do still have a nice 1 1/2" - 2" red line across my cheek. It's pretty faint now and should be gone before the weekend is out.

    I almost forgot just how sharp the edges on these razors really are. It'll be a while before have to remind myself of that again though.

  4. #114
    Senior Member deepweeds's Avatar
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    I'm way more likely to nick myself with the DE than with the straight…trouble with angles.

    With the straight my nemesis is pressure, so I suffer neck burn as a periodic reminder.

    Like everyone else, I will, just occasionally, cut half my ear off for no reason. But just occasionally.
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  5. #115
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    People tell me 'I would cut myself' as we talk of straights.
    I always respond with; 'You may be surprised how short the nerve is between your face and fingers!' .
    Anyone who cuts themselves repeatedly and badly may need a new sport, IMO.
    My first 'cut' was my last. Get some weepers and such from beginnings of ingrown hairs if I go too long in between shaves.
    Getting too close on the jawline has been cured with facial contortions. I am surprised how easily it went to learn.
    I think lack of prep, making for stiff hairs makes for most cuts in newer shavers as well as lack of proper stropping. That big 'pull' to get the first hair cut may have a fast-moving blade coming as it goes forward!
    Last edited by sharptonn; 06-26-2015 at 01:24 AM.
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
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  6. #116
    Senior Member Bayamontate's Avatar
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    I very seldom cut myself anymore, when I do it usually involves some stupidity or lack of focus on my part.
    Last edited by Bayamontate; 06-26-2015 at 06:00 PM.
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  7. #117
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bayamontate View Post
    I very seldom cut myself anymore, when I do it usually involves some stupidity or lack of focus in my part.
    Don't ya just hate it when that happens?
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
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  8. #118
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    cut myself yesterday. went a lil too fast on the ATG pass.

  9. #119
    Senior Member Mafuzul's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mafuzul View Post
    I'm up to 40+ shaves now. first 5 times every time. since then 2 or 3 times that barley bleed. not to shabby
    I just cut myself pretty good above the lip. with that said, I guess shabby!
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  10. #120
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    Seldom....the funny thing is that today while shaving a 4 day growth I was thinking about this post and intended to say if you are afraid to cut yourself you will....then as I am on my first pass I decide to go XTG on my chin. A slight cleft in the center stopped progress as I was not stretching the skin to do a good XTG on the chin. SLICE and jump...I blame two nights of less than 4 hours of sleep. Generally I felt a little jumpy and as others have said, lacked the concentration that is a terrific part of shaving with a straight razor.
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