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Thread: Lesson Learned , pay attention to where you leave your stuff

  1. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by ANelson View Post
    Goes about that way with me and mine as well. Theory running that eventually it'll all even out. Works for so long as you have friends willing to have it even out rather than who want to take advantage of that arrangement. Sad to say I've had "friends" who worked both ways. The ones willing to have things even out are the ones you keep.
    Yeah and pretty much how I was raised concerning money and friends/family just let it go or don't expect it back. It's not really worth arguing over. But if it was something over a few $100 or he wrecked my car or something it be different. for a $20 strop, hardly even worth mentioning in my mind. And I'm not even really sure which one to blame.
    Thanks & Gig 'EM

  2. #12
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durhampiper View Post
    Yep. I wouldn't tell that ill-mannered dipwad that the strop he destroyed only cost $20, though. Time to upgrade! And while you're at it, send that razor out to be re-honed on your "buddy's" nickle.
    Well razor needed to be honed ayway and the guy I send it to has a 3 month guarantee, so it's not costing me anything.
    Thanks & Gig 'EM

  3. #13
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    it's amazing how many posts like this we get and it's amazing how people can't keep their mitts off other peoples property or simply disrespect others things. And of course there are the wives who play with shaving gear willy nilly and when caught with their hands in the cookie jar just blow it off.
    earcutter likes this.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  4. #14
    Jack of all, master of none KenWeir's Avatar
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    Most people are completely oblivious to how fragile a keen edge is or how quickly the acid on your fingers will etch bare steel. I'm new to straight razors, but I've a modest Japanese sword collection & all my friends/family know they're not to ever handle them when I'm not there & to never touch any part of the blade. I spent 4 hours one night polishing out a single fingerprint that had etched a blade; it had been handled when I was out of town. That was the last and only time.

    Sometimes things just happen & that's a part of having friends (it sometimes balances out), but when your first thought is "wow, that's really cool!" or "wow, that looks nice!" that's a good indication that the item in question is valuable to the owner & should be respected.

  5. #15
    Senior Member MuskieMan33's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Durhampiper View Post
    Yep. I wouldn't tell that ill-mannered dipwad that the strop he destroyed only cost $20, though. Time to upgrade! And while you're at it, send that razor out to be re-honed on your "buddy's" nickle.
    haha^^ I agree!!

    That's unfortunate to hear. But a lot of people aren't used to other people they know shaving with a SE or DE. So when they see them I'm sure they want to get their hands on them so see if they are "really that sharp". I'm in college and live in a house with 10 other men, non of them know I shave with a straight (although I still am relatively new to the whole thing). I don't plan on them finding out either, but I keep my razor hidden, so even if they find out my SE won't be in jeopardy. Of course if someone really wanted to see it, I might show them but wouldn't let them hold it because people want to run their fingers across the edge to see how sharp it is. I tell them all that the brush and soap that I leave in my bathroom is my shaving soap, that I use it instead of shaving cream in a can. The usual response is, "your weird man."
    Oh well, I'll be weird then. But unlike all of them, I have the pleasure of enjoying my shave and don't see it as another chore as they do.

  6. #16
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    im still trying to figure out why someone would mess with another person's razor.

    Maybe he was acting out a segment from the Sweeney Todd movie?

  7. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by usnavysubs View Post
    im still trying to figure out why someone would mess with another person's razor.

    Maybe he was acting out a segment from the Sweeney Todd movie?
    Because most people today are used to disposable shave gear.I'm an old man,so in my house my wife and children would not dream of touching my stuff.My question is,why are you leaving your strop in the bathroom?Moist heat and leather do not mix well long term!!

  8. #18
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    Thank you for this post. Had some friends stay the weekend and I removed all my razors from my shave den and safely stored them in my sock drawer in my bedroom. It's a good precaution with children or anyone is visiting. I can see how it would be tempting (for someone who didn't know how delicate these tools are) to see just how sharp it is (cut) or pluck a blade, or start shaving or destroy a strop trying to strop like a barber from a bugs bunny cartoon. I'll be sure to keep my gear away from those that would do it harm in the future.
    chris93cl likes this.

  9. #19
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    Quote Originally Posted by Padraig View Post
    Thank you for this post. Had some friends stay the weekend and I removed all my razors from my shave den and safely stored them in my sock drawer in my bedroom. It's a good precaution with children or anyone is visiting. I can see how it would be tempting (for someone who didn't know how delicate these tools are) to see just how sharp it is (cut) or pluck a blade, or start shaving or destroy a strop trying to strop like a barber from a bugs bunny cartoon. I'll be sure to keep my gear away from those that would do it harm in the future.
    that's smart. wish I knew this before my buddies got a hold of it.
    Thanks & Gig 'EM

  10. #20
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    Maybe you should by "strop insurance" tho with friends like that, the rates would probably be high.

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