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Thread: Pre shave oil

  1. #1
    Senior Member Katan2212's Avatar
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    Default Pre shave oil

    My prep consist of putting a hot towel on my face for about three minutes than i have at it.. Don't have access to some pre shave oil at the moment and i think my prep needs a ton of work.. Any ideas for an easy home made pre shave oil? or any tips on a better pre shave ? i think my shaves would be better if i put more effort in the pre shave part.. cheers
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  2. #2
    Senior Member Krusty01's Avatar
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    I don't have any home made recipes for per shave oil, but have wondered if mineral oil would work. I am currently using eshave per shave oil and really like it. I will rubit in and let it sit while I mix my shave cream, really seems to help the razor glide. Pulling the skin while shaving made a BIG difference in the quality of my shave.


  3. #3
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    I use a small bottle of clove oil called Shave Secretthat I got from Walmart, havent been able to find it anywere else. I used just that with my disposable rasor and havent seen a reason to change. Now I use the clove oil before I shave while I am getting my lather ready it works really well in my opinion.


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  5. #4
    Lady Wet Shaver Kcbeemo's Avatar
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    Mineral oil will give you no other benefits other than lubrication. One of the nice things about some of the pre-shave oil products is the fact that in addition to the lubrication they provide, they are full of oils and ingredients that are REALLY good for your skin. In addition, some ingredients like Castor Oil actually soften the beard as well and can help the lather to make the shave even more comfortable.

    I spent several weeks perfecting a mixture that I really enjoy, which balances out the benefits and feel. I also include a healthy dose of pure Vitamin E in my formula, which is really good for your skin.

    There is a reason that many of the oils used in pre-shave oil products are also used in massage therapy / beauty products. They are good for you!
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  6. #5
    Senior Member Katan2212's Avatar
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    Thanks for the feedback guys...
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  7. #6
    Ordinary Average Guy richkev's Avatar
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    I also use Shave Secret. It's only about $3 at Wal-Mart. You can use it by itself, but I also like to put it on while I prepare my lather. It has a nice peppermint/clove smell.

  8. #7
    Senior Member PFunkDaddy's Avatar
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    If your beard isn't softening up sufficiently (not sure that's the case here), you can apply lather and let it sit for a few/several minutes, then rinse off before applying again for your 1st pass. This has worked wonders for me. Showering before, hot towels, etc did not work for my PIA beard. But this gets it done every time.
    I also use Proraso pre-shave under the lather and it seems to help as well.

  9. #8
    Make ready the heat. henryconchile's Avatar
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    Below is a homemade pre-shave oil recipe that I use and originally got online. You can substitute other oils (e.g. almond, avocado, grapeseed, etc.) for the oilive oil.

    100 ml container
    3/4 parts Castor oil
    1/4 parts Extra Virgin Olive Oil
    10 drops of Essential oil (e.g. fragrance oil)

    Place ingredients in the bottle and mix well.
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  10. #9
    Junior Member manwithgills's Avatar
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    Hey everyone Noob here. I was wondering if anyone has had any experience with using Avon's Skin So Soft bath oil for a preshave oil. My wife purchased a giant bottle last summer. I am thinking of using this instead of going out to buy something separate.

  11. #10
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    Proraso makes a pre shave cream that works well IMO. I tried AOS pre oil, too slippery for holding the can also use hair conditioner. I used finesse, I don't think the brand makes a difference. Apply by hand on wet face. YMMV .

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