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Thread: Classifieds rules

  1. #1
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Default Classifieds rules

    General buying, selling and trading can be done in the Buy / Sell / Trade forum, and only in that area. Everyone is allowed to post an item for trade. Everyone is allowed to purchase items for sale. Only people who have a classifieds selling membership are allowed (able) to post items for sale.
    Classifieds selling membership costs 10$ per year.

    The annual fee will not come into effect until the classifieds forum is up and running, and all the little issues that are bound to crop up, have been ironed out.

    General listing rules
    • Limits: 10 items per month, seriously guys if you are selling that many you should be a Vendor. The count starts at the beginning of the month and resets at the beginning of every next month.
    • Sales: Are to be handled EXCLUSIVELY between members SRP does not mediate issues at all.
    • Issues: There will be some, they should be handled using your payment method -BUT- if you have a specific complaint please PM a Moderator so we can take a look.. DO NOT post about it on the BST or the open forum. Questions: About items for sale, may be posted in the BST much like Ebay if you have a question you may ask it... What will not be allowed is Arguments, and Bashing, basically if you don't like the item then don't buy the item..
    • Pics and listings: Post clear new pics. Listing should include as much info as possible.
    • Mod Actions: We are NOT going to be the BST police nor judges if we see a problem post we are pulling it, we are not going to waste time arguing with you. You will get a pm from the mod that pulled it, fix the problem and re-post your ad. If you think the Mod was wrong then don't re-post and sell it on Ebay.
    • Every listing that involves shipping will explicitly state the responsibility for shipping risks. If nothing is specified, the seller will accept any and all shipping risk.
    • Bumping a post solely for the purpose of bringing it back to the front can only be done every 24 hours.

    *Members, Please pay special attention to this update in regards to listing your items.*
    B/S/T Rules updated 12/30/2018

    You can post items in the B/S/T, and have them listed for sale on other sites, but it is against our rules to link to those other sites in your B/S/T ad.. It is considered common courtesy to include the words "Cross Listed" in your ad

    With the ability to use multiple platforms, including SRP for your sales, comes the problem of multiple buyers, using a BIN (Buy it Now)... Seller's must make sure they have this problem under control by being responsible with closing their sales immediately, or at the least marking them Sale Pending when needed...

    Any items currently posted in any SRP information thread/forum, such as, but not limited to, SOTD/HOTD/ Custom builds and restorations etc: cannot be posted in the B/S/T sections of the forum until 2 weeks have passed. This is considered as "Extra Advertising" and is against the rules here.

    Any items for sale anywhere, including eBay, Etsy, etc: cannot be concurrently posted in the SRP information Thread/Forums. This is considered as "Extra Advertising" and is against the rules here..

    First offense will result in a warning, Second offense will result in a temporary removal B/S/T privileges, third offense will result in a permanent revocation of B/S/T privileges. No refunds of B/S/T fees will be issued upon revocation of privileges due to infringement of the forum rules...

    The Vendor Forum is exempt from these rules:

    Simple overall rule here, if in doubt, if you think there is a hole in the rules and you are going to exploit it, DON'T !!!!

    Message a Mod and simply ask first...

    important: after the item has been sold, please close the sale thread yourself so that it can no longer be posted to

    To trade an item, simply post the item in the appropriate forum and specify what you want in return. At no point can a trade item be sold for money.
    List the item in the appropriate forum, and specify the price. The item will be sold to the first person publicly replying to the ad to state that he or she wants to buy the item for sale.
    To buy an item, simply post in the sale thread. The first person to commit publicly to purchase has the item. After making the public post, the shipping and payment details are worked out between the buyer and seller.
    It is allowed to post auctions under the following format
    1. Post an item up for auction in the same manner as a plain sale. Specify that the item is up for auction
    2. Specify a minimum price. If someone bids this price, the item has to sell.
    3. Retractions are not allowed. If an auction is posted it has to run its course unless there are no bids after 7 days
    4. An auction runs for 7 days minimum, with a minimum of 24 hours from the last bid to calling the close of the auction. This is to allow people to bid from different timezones without having to sit at the computer at 3 am. We are still a gentleman’s site after all. If you want sniping or last second bids, go to ebay.
    5. If an auction is running into overtime, each next bid has to be higher than the previous one by 10$ if the last bid was under 200$, or 20$ if the last bid was over 200$
    Last edited by onimaru55; 12-30-2018 at 12:01 AM. Reason: sp edit /date change

  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    azgabe (04-22-2017), Geezer (01-27-2017), Haroldg48 (02-02-2017), Keithmax (02-22-2017), MW76 (01-03-2017), nicknbleeding (12-31-2018), Prahston (01-26-2017), pwheeler (08-25-2021), randydance062449 (03-01-2017), Suavio (01-23-2017), tennex (06-15-2017)

  3. #2
    Never a dull moment hoglahoo's Avatar
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    Pics and listings: Post clear new pics, one of the pics MUST include a Handwritten Note with the date. Listing should include as much info as possible. Offers without a Date picture will be removed by a Mod.
    I have a feeling that might be a busy moderator!

    ps I updated the wiki's rules page to just point here instead of having a duplicate copy of the policy there
    Find me on SRP's official chat in ##srp on Freenode. Link is at top of SRP's homepage

  4. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to hoglahoo For This Useful Post:

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  5. #3
    The First Cut is the Deepest! Magpie's Avatar
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    I have seen sales posted for razors under the "Razors" section of the forum, not the razors section of the classifieds. Perhaps that should be clarified? (or was I just stoned that day?)

  6. #4
    Know thyself holli4pirating's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Magpie View Post
    I have seen sales posted for razors under the "Razors" section of the forum, not the razors section of the classifieds. Perhaps that should be clarified? (or was I just stoned that day?)
    It's probably best to report posts like that so the mods will see.
    Geezer likes this.

  7. #5
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Hit the black triangle at the bottom left of the post. Explain why and a mod will check it out.

  8. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Geezer For This Useful Post:

    32t (02-22-2017), Diboll (08-04-2018)

  9. #6
    32t is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    Hit the black triangle at the bottom left of the post. Explain why and a mod will check it out.
    I am glad that it is not any closer to the thanks or I might accidentally hit it!

  10. #7
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by 32t View Post
    I am glad that it is not any closer to the thanks or I might accidentally hit it!
    Good point! I did by accident, that's how I found out!=~Richard

  11. #8
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    I noticed something like that too refreshing using 'new posts'. A razor was for sale and it showed "razors" on the right side of the page for forum. Turned out it was BST, just like now, someone listed a coticule that came up in new posts. The forum shows as 'hones and strops', which is in the BST.

    So it seems, at first glance, that the sale is in the razor forum, but it is actually in BST razor section. Assuming we're talking about the same thing, and not an actual attempt to sell on the forum.
    alpla444 and Steel like this.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  12. #9
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    i paid the fee but still cant post sell an item

  13. #10
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Added a clarification that the vount of ten per month starts at the beginning of the month

  14. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Bruno For This Useful Post:

    Geezer (04-13-2017), Hirlau (04-13-2017), JimmyHAD (04-13-2017)

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