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Thread: Nelson Mandela

  1. #21
    Senior Member UKRob's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jbtusa View Post
    Mandela was a communist. You might inquire to why he was thrown in prison in the first place. Don't shoot the messenger, find out for yourself.
    Quote Originally Posted by SS502MC View Post
    I am not going to use this thread to go back and forth with you on race issues. Please feel free to PM me.
    [QUOTE=jbtusa;1252885]I did a little research on our illustrious world hero and leader of “civil rights.” Check it out for yourself and don’t believe me:
    * * * * * *
    Nelson Mandela was the head of UmKhonto we Sizwe, (MK), the terrorist wing of the ANC and South African Communist Party. He had pleaded guilty to 156 acts of public violence including mobilizing terrorist bombing campaigns, which planted bombs in public places, including the Johannesburg railway station. Many innocent people, including women and children, were killed by Nelson Mandela’s MK terrorists.


    Here's something to ponder. Imagine you were born in a country that was ruled by settlers who told you what you could and could not do, where you could eat, who you could associate with, who you could marry/date/kiss, but more importantly who you couldn't - and locked you up if you were caught transgressing their orders. Image this country is ruled by a minority who control the military, civil guard, police and a hated secret service. Would you consider it right to use force to obtain regime change?

    If you think the West was right and correct in enforcing regime change in the middle east and that collateral damage happens, be very careful how you answer the first question.
    BobH and edhewitt like this.

  2. #22
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I would suggest doing a little research on the conditions in South Africa which spawned the violent internal Anti Apartheid movement. Then ask yourself what you would have done if you had grown up under such a law as a black South African. Just a quick look here Apartheid in South Africa - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia and other sources may give you an idea of what it was like.

    It was bad enough that the US saw fit to finally enact economic sanctions against South Africa for it's refusal to abandon it's policy of Apartheid Comprehensive Anti-Apartheid Act - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . The US was not the only country to do so IIRC.

    At the time that this enormous internal destabilizing Anti Apartheid struggle was going on South Africa did possess WMDs South Africa and weapons of mass destruction - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia . Want to guess at some possible outcomes.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  3. #23
    Senior Member DarthLord's Avatar
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    The issue of Nelson Mandella is, as with any human being, complex. He was a great man and did many great things and inspired many -- to peaceful resistance in many, many cases. Was he perfect? No. Don't deify him. But don't demonize him either.
    Great men do great things and many of those great things -- especially when they're younger and more hotheaded -- are terrible things (hahaha a Voldemort reference!). But he also did some just plain flat out GREAT things, especially later in life.
    Sailor, Birnando, lz6 and 3 others like this.

  4. #24
    Senior Member Badgister's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by UKRob View Post
    I'm going to take a guess here that you're an American citizen - and if I'm correct I'd like you're opinion on those people who fought for equal rights in your country within the same time frame that Black people were having to do the same in South Africa.

    As for knowing people by who they associate with, I'm surprised by the names of people who have expressed a like for your post.
    I am not surprised at all.
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  5. #25
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    Here's something to ponder. Imagine you were born in a country that was ruled by settlers who told you what you could and could not do, where you could eat, who you could associate with, who you could marry/date/kiss, but more importantly who you couldn't - and locked you up if you were caught transgressing their orders. Image this country is ruled by a minority who control the military, civil guard, police and a hated secret service. Would you consider it right to use force to obtain regime change?


    What about Mahatma Ghandi in India? Peaceful resistance? did not use violence. But by planting bombs etc, you want the people in charge to come with all the might they have, and then you have a civil war. And no, I do not think that the West should have bothered with the middle east. Let each country sort themselves out.

  6. #26
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    SVMAD I am missing the point of what you are getting at. Are you saying that only peaceful men are deserving of praise regardless of the conditions that they were forced to endure?
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  7. #27
    SeƱor Member Bigirishkev's Avatar
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    I can't believe the way this thread has gone. I believe he was a great man but he was only a man after all.
    Some people should remember that one mans hero is always another's devil.
    Even the founding fathers of America would have been seen by many at the time as terrorists/murderers/criminals, but the victors write their own history and that history will be very kind to Nelson Mandel
    Sailor, BobH and edhewitt like this.

  8. #28
    Senior Member bongo's Avatar
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    One man's freedom fighter is another man's terrorist.

    Many, many South African citizens died when he was president (under his watch),
    but until then, they weren't citizens.

    Does that make it better ?....Dead is dead, and corruption is corruption.
    And we all know there was rampant corruption under his presidency.

    This will sound ....SO PATRONISING....but could anyone have prevented the "growing pains"
    of a "new democracy", mixed with revenge, decades-old hatred, and unlimited power newly gifted ?

    Do not put Nelson Mandela up on a pedestal and call him a saint, he would have hated that.

    Instead, call him a man who made a difference.

    Sailor, BobH and edhewitt like this.

  9. #29
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    I am rather disappointed to see how many members chose to put their own ego above basic decency.

    This thread is now over.
    Sailor, HNSB, lz6 and 1 others like this.

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to gugi For This Useful Post:

    bill3152 (12-09-2013), Grizzley1 (12-12-2013)

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