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Thread: Ivory

  1. #91
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Wullie! Come SAVE ME!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  2. #92
    Senior Member DennisBarberShop's Avatar
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    Ivory sucks, quit bidding against me for them!
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  3. #93
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by DennisBarberShop View Post
    Ivory sucks, quit bidding against me for them!
    I agree. Terrible stuff. Feels like a turd in your hand. No Buenos!
    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  4. #94
    WJF is offline
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    I've been doing some research since this thread started. The WWF Global (not wrestling) site indicates that poaching, habitat destruction and human-elephant conflicts are responsible for the decline in elephant populations. However, they specifically state that the poaching is the LEAST of the problem. By the way, meat is listed along with ivory as the reason for poaching. It seems that damage to crops and other property brings elephants into conflict for survival with humans and therefore is the biggest problem. The website also states that there are areas where elephant populations are stable and even increasing. Just another take on this situation.

    Keep in mind that headlines are sound-bites intended to stir emotions. When you read that "Poaching threatens extinction" it is usually meant to support some new regulation or law which brings more control on activities. Curtailing the use and transfer of 100 yeear old ivory, whether documented or not, will have no effect on anything other than the people directly involved. Neither poaching or elephant populations will be effected.

    Keep drinking the kool-aid folks. They've already interupted business and people's lives in this country because of this garbage. Ask Gibson guitars or the owner of Rawsome Foods after they sent SWAT teams in to confiscate property and shut them down over legally purchased wood and raw milk. They have even raided and arrested Amish farmers in PA because they sold raw milk to willing customers. Something that has been FOOD since time began is now illegal to sell or transfer.

    I'm with pixel. I'm out of here too.

  5. #95
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by WJF View Post
    I've been doing some research since this thread started. The WWF Global (not wrestling) site indicates that poaching, habitat destruction and human-elephant conflicts are responsible for the decline in elephant populations. However, they specifically state that the poaching is the LEAST of the problem. By the way, meat is listed along with ivory as the reason for poaching. It seems that damage to crops and other property brings elephants into conflict for survival with humans and therefore is the biggest problem. The website also states that there are areas where elephant populations are stable and even increasing. Just another take on this situation.

    Keep in mind that headlines are sound-bites intended to stir emotions. When you read that "Poaching threatens extinction" it is usually meant to support some new regulation or law which brings more control on activities. Curtailing the use and transfer of 100 yeear old ivory, whether documented or not, will have no effect on anything other than the people directly involved. Neither poaching or elephant populations will be effected.

    Keep drinking the kool-aid folks. They've already interupted business and people's lives in this country because of this garbage. Ask Gibson guitars or the owner of Rawsome Foods after they sent SWAT teams in to confiscate property and shut them down over legally purchased wood and raw milk. They have even raided and arrested Amish farmers in PA because they sold raw milk to willing customers. Something that has been FOOD since time began is now illegal to sell or transfer.

    I'm with pixel. I'm out of here too.
    Yes it has been food a long time just like at one time you could go down to your local creek or river and drink the water right out of it. Would you do that now?
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  6. #96
    Senior Member blabbermouth JimmyHAD's Avatar
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    totalitarianism, A form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government.
    Be careful how you treat people on your way up, you may meet them again on your way back down.

  7. #97
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by JimmyHAD View Post
    totalitarianism, A form of government that theoretically permits no individual freedom and that seeks to subordinate all aspects of the individual’s life to the authority of the government.
    Will jump back into the fray,What Jimmy says is right on,your Government wants totall control on every aspect of your life.
    What you can or cannot smoke,drink, or eat.
    What was legal yesterday is not legal today, what was illegal last month is now legal in some states (MJ) soon to be all states.
    Same gender marriage,gay rights,I could care less if John wants to marry Mike,Is none of my Business,live and let live.
    I could care less if people want to shoot up drugs and die,is none of my business.
    If the the feds provided clean USP herion, this would not happen,let people live the life they choose to live,if it kills them,so be it.
    The cream will come to the top, the gene pool will be a better place.
    Geezer, crouton976 and Phrank like this.
    Dangerous within 1 Mile

  8. #98
    Senior Member JazzWillie's Avatar
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    I feel like the ivory issue is very similar to other hot button issues. Its man's intervention in nature is destructive and self interested. If ivory were to be collected only from animals who died naturally there would be a great deal more elephants and rhinos, the price would go up because there wouldn't be as much of it available, but eventually with more animals around the more would be passing on and eventually it would be sustainable. Man's problem is we are inherently inpatient. We want to grow food where there's no water, so we divert water from where it should be to put it where we think it should be. We build cities in the worst possible places. Places known for earthquakes and hurricanes. Why? They are the prettiest places. We stop natural cleansing of the land. Wild fires clear the land of debris and dead trees and plants. Guess what happens when you keep fires at bay so long. The natural stockpile of dead wood builds up to the point that its unstoppable. Guess where people build houses. People like seafood who don't live near the water yet somehow we're depleting the fish out of the ocean. It wasn't so long ago that it was thought that there would never be a shortage of oil and fresh water. Guess what the next big natural commodity will be replacing oil? We don't know what do with nature because no one wants to deal with what might happen if a resource is abused until its endangered. Then everyone points fingers, and the shadowy part of society sees more money to be made on something in short supply hence the black market. If animal products were dealt with on a moderate basis of keeping a population at certain levels as opposed to how much could be made with what is available then we wouldn't have a problem.

  9. #99
    Senior Member DennisBarberShop's Avatar
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    Problem is the human population is outgrowing its home (earth) and eventually to survive it will require every resource this planet has just for it to survive till it starves because it hast exhausted the resources. Unless a natural disaster or war culls the herd, spanish influenza, the plague, etc all happened when population was smaller, imagine its means of travel with more people living in such close proximity to one another.

  10. #100
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    Will jump back into the fray,What Jimmy says is right on,your Government wants totall control on every aspect of your life.
    What you can or cannot smoke,drink, or eat.
    What was legal yesterday is not legal today, what was illegal last month is now legal in some states (MJ) soon to be all states.
    Same gender marriage,gay rights,I could care less if John wants to marry Mike,Is none of my Business,live and let live.
    I could care less if people want to shoot up drugs and die,is none of my business.
    If the the feds provided clean USP herion, this would not happen,let people live the life they choose to live,if it kills them,so be it.
    The cream will come to the top, the gene pool will be a better place.
    HEY,,HEY !!!! PIX,,,,What Da H***,,,next time throw out a Ted, Steve or a Frank,,,would you,,,

    *****For The Record***** my ex-wife's name was Mihaela not Mike,,,

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