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Thread: What you do for a living?

  1. #31
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MattCB View Post
    In chronological order: Logging company gopher boy, fish processer on a boat up near Alaska, drove forklift in a warehouse, 8 years bubblehead in the Navy, finished college and get Engineering Tech degree (somewhere between the smart hands on guy and the clueless engineer), now work for the Feds and help maintain and repair US Navy subs and carriers.
    Sounds like an awesome job! Submarines fascinate me. Once, when I was in Barbados, got to take a tour in a sub, all crewed by ex-US servicemen, including the master diver who was in a boat ready to dive down and get us if anything went wrong.

    Although the sub was capable I think of getting to 400-600 ft deep, it only went to 140 feet, the limit that the diver could go. The sub could be remotely operated from the bridge on the outside of the sub.

    Either way, sounds like your job is also a great adventure!

  2. #32
    Str8 Apprentice, aka newb kerryman71's Avatar
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    Firefighter for a little over 18 years, the past 12 as a Lieutenant. Prior to that I was a union electrician's apprentice.


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  4. #33
    Senior Member BDRebel's Avatar
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    Currently 21 years federal LEO. Before that, 7 years Army MP. Prior to that, changed between a security guard, meat cutter at a barbecue chain, barbecue cook at a Texas Waterpark, and night clerk at a convenience store.
    JBHoren, Hirlau, WW243 and 6 others like this.

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    Chevhead (03-24-2014), Siguy (03-25-2014), Walterbowens (03-25-2014)

  6. #34
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Retired 5 years ago at age 56 from being a pulp mill worker for 35 years. Doing what I want when I want and enjoying the luxury of it all. Before that pumped gas, washed cars, was a cop for a very short time and was in the Naval Reserve for about 19 years.

    Life is a terminal illness in the end

  7. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to BobH For This Useful Post:

    Siguy (03-25-2014), Walterbowens (03-25-2014)

  8. #35
    Senior Member celticcrusader's Avatar
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    A fully trained up Carpenter by trade until I badly prolapsed two discs L3 and L4 in my back 18 months ago now aged 54 I've been taking it easy but looking at a few post there are a few Carpenters here, I tend to think after all those years of honing my chisels and planes I took to honing razors like a Duck to water.
    Last edited by celticcrusader; 03-24-2014 at 08:55 PM.
    “Wherever you’re going never take an idiot with you, you can always find one when you get there.”

  9. The Following User Says Thank You to celticcrusader For This Useful Post:

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  10. #36
    Senior Member blabbermouth edhewitt's Avatar
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    I am an electrician, currently i am working a FIFO job based just outside Karratha, which is the north of western australia.
    I am installing autohaul equipment onto trains. This will eventually allow the trains to run without drivers between the mines and the ports.
    I also maintain a small contracting business in perth and do a day or so of real electrical work on my week off.
    Before that i was an electrician in perth for 5 years or so, during which time i completed my apprenticeship.
    Before that i lived in the uk where (working from the most recent) i:
    Did agency maintenance work,
    Managed a tool hire shop,
    Did test and run for a tool hire shop,
    Made glassfibre shop mannequins,
    Delivered cleaning products,
    Did bar work,
    Worked for a direct(junk) mail company as an office run about where i had to bring in and sort big bags of responses to the mail outs, we also processed microsoft product registrations.
    Paper round.
    Various attempts at moneymaking schemes as a 12 year old.
    Bread and water can so easily become tea and toast

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to edhewitt For This Useful Post:

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  12. #37
    Senior Member blabbermouth Chevhead's Avatar
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    I keep bad people warm in winter, cool in summer, have hot water for showers and being able to see in the dark.

    Power Plant Engineer for NYDOCCS.

  13. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Chevhead For This Useful Post:

    Siguy (03-25-2014), Walterbowens (03-25-2014)

  14. #38
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by entropy1049 View Post
    Well Done My Friend
    Thanks man! My finance Prof. Always said that you could make more money in 5 minutes than working for a lifetime by simply marrying up.

    I think he was half joking - I took it to heart.


  15. #39
    Senior Member UAcowboy's Avatar
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    Mechanical Engineer by education, Electrical Dispatcher by profession. Working on getting into SCADA programming. Plus some network marketing on the side.

  16. The Following User Says Thank You to UAcowboy For This Useful Post:

    Walterbowens (03-25-2014)

  17. #40
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    The first time through college, I worked in restaurants, poured concrete and did some carpentry in Houston in the summers. Then I taught high school for five years, got sick of it and went back to college. I'm almost done with a degree in nursing, and plan to be an ER nurse.

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