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Thread: saber rattling

  1. #91
    Mr. Myrsol Lakebound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    That's the thing Frank, I do know what I am talking about. So much so, I make assumptions that most people who know what they are talking about make . I make those assumptions because I don't expect someone to make me take three steps backwards on givens lol!!

    I didn't "backtrack" - I dumbed it down .

    I assume you are trolling not only because of your lack of thought when posting on this thread, but from your history here on the whole.

    For example, the thread about natural hones - I put thought into my response to the OP, but you didn't like my response, no, no.... You claimed only that we here were treating the OP with disdain. Hence, I figure you're a troll!

    But if you are here to tell me I am wrong... Well color me embarrassed!! I beg your forgiveness!
    "From your history here as a whole". What's that supposed to mean? You mean to tell me that you allow conversations from one thread bleed into another?

    So this is personal for you. I get it.

    Thanks for letting me know.

    Last edited by Lakebound; 05-03-2014 at 10:51 PM.
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  2. #92
    Razor Vulture sharptonn's Avatar
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    Earcutter! Are you STILL down here in the Conversation?
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    "Don't be stubborn. You are missing out."
    I rest my case.

  3. #93
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Well if you must bring it up. I didn't get a refund all mine went to the government to. Distribute And maybe I don't feel they do anything for me But maybe they should And on another point I fought and bled for this country I think I have the right to complain about my money. And I repeat my money being wasted and thrown away for politicians personal agendas. Now I remove myself from this conversation because there are people in here that are Never mind. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

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  5. #94
    Mr. Myrsol Lakebound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tcrideshd View Post
    Well if you must bring it up. I didn't get a refund all mine went to the government to. Distribute And maybe I don't feel they do anything for me But maybe they should And on another point I fought and bled for this country I think I have the right to complain about my money. And I repeat my money being wasted and thrown away for politicians personal agendas. Now I remove myself from this conversation because there are people in here that are Never mind. Tc
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  6. #95
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    I just don't understand folks. All this talk about big Govt and then what it doesn't do and shouldn't do and should do.

    I'm sure many would love to put the country in a time machine and take us back to...say...1860 way before income taxes and much of any govt at all when you could do what you wanted and had real freedom but wait if that happened just about everybody reading this wouldn't exist because their parents and grandparents would never have survived long enough to have kids of their own and even if some of our members were born they probably wouldn't have survived childhood.
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  7. #96
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I just don't understand folks. All this talk about big Govt and then what it doesn't do and shouldn't do and should do.

    I'm sure many would love to put the country in a time machine and take us back to...say...1860 way before income taxes and much of any govt at all when you could do what you wanted and had real freedom but wait if that happened just about everybody reading this wouldn't exist because their parents and grandparents would never have survived long enough to have kids of their own and even if some of our members were born they probably wouldn't have survived childhood.
    Well I can tell you one thing for sure... Part of my tax money certainly wouldn't be going to fund veterans benefits lol!!

    If we had smaller gov and were we back in the 1800s that is.


  8. #97
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Speaking of those pushing the small government agenda... The Koch Brothers and their Tea Party - I thought this was cute no matter what side of the debate you are on.



  • #98
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I just don't understand folks. All this talk about big Govt and then what it doesn't do and shouldn't do and should do.

    I'm sure many would love to put the country in a time machine and take us back to...say...1860 way before income taxes and much of any govt at all when you could do what you wanted and had real freedom but wait if that happened just about everybody reading this wouldn't exist because their parents and grandparents would never have survived long enough to have kids of their own and even if some of our members were born they probably wouldn't have survived childhood.
    Yeah you could do pretty much anything you wanted, but (at least in this part of the country) you were lucky to have time for anything more than scratching in the dirt trying trying to raise enough crops to keep your family from starving and joining occasionally with the neighbors to fend off indian attacks hoping they didn't kill your family or burn you out.

    I guess government is good for something!
    The easy road is rarely rewarding.

  • #99
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Since we're going back it time it may be also worth remembering that it was largely the government that ensured those white people could successfully take the land in the first place. Without the government the indians would've had a lot better chance against the newcomers.
    Still, the economic engine back then was in the east and under pretty heavy government control from the get go (whiskey rebellion anybody).

    This notion that USA is currently under some big oppressive government that would be anathema to the founders, this notion seems rather fictional to me. USA is a very, very young country and thus there are really good records of how things actually used to be. That is for anybody who is interested in the real history and would bother to read congress bills and newspapers from the old times, rather than simply swallow somebody else's propaganda.
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  • #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    I just don't understand folks. All this talk about big Govt and then what it doesn't do and shouldn't do and should do.

    I'm sure many would love to put the country in a time machine and take us back to...say...1860 way before income taxes and much of any govt at all when you could do what you wanted and had real freedom but wait if that happened just about everybody reading this wouldn't exist because their parents and grandparents would never have survived long enough to have kids of their own and even if some of our members were born they probably wouldn't have survived childhood.
    Quote Originally Posted by gugi View Post
    Since we're going back it time it may be also worth remembering that it was largely the government that ensured those white people could successfully take the land in the first place. Without the government the indians would've had a lot better chance against the newcomers.
    Still, the economic engine back then was in the east and under pretty heavy government control from the get go (whiskey rebellion anybody).

    This notion that USA is currently under some big oppressive government that would be anathema to the founders, this notion seems rather fictional to me. USA is a very, very young country and thus there are really good records of how things actually used to be. That is for anybody who is interested in the real history and would bother to read congress bills and newspapers from the old times, rather than simply swallow somebody else's propaganda.

    I'd like to take some of the whiny folks back to the 1860's and leave their sorry behinds to the real owners of the country. Or, they can emigrate to .. hmm, let's see, what country will accept such as them? Outer Slobovia?

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