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Thread: saber rattling

  1. #111
    There is no charge for Awesomeness Jimbo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lakebound View Post
    He's not my President. He's the current President of the United States.

    "Dissent is the Highest form of Patriotism". - Hillary Clinton, Jan 21, 2009

    huh? I guess you mean you didn't vote for him? So who exactly is your President, if it's not the President of the US?

    Seriously, I wasn't really joking all that much in my previous post. Direct interventions such as war cost a lot of money. Obama is not being weak, he's being economically prudent. Besides which, when exactly did the US become world police for any and all matters such as this? Why are we not talking about how weak Europe is? NATO is right there...

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  2. #112
    The original Skolor and Gentileman. gugi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jimbo View Post
    Direct interventions such as war cost a lot of money.
    Yes, but there are those who pay for it and those who get paid. They tend to have opposite views on whether a war should be had or not.

    And you're changing the subject. As David told you it's not whether Obama is doing anything good or reasonable, it is about how terrible he is no matter what. Please, do not confuse us with facts!
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  3. #113
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Lakebound View Post
    America itself is proof that war produces sustainable outcomes. Unless of course you're not including that as part of history. But then again, Obama spent a great deal of time during his first term bemoaning what he called "American Exceptionalism". He went on a great apology tour after winning (being handed) the Nobel Peace prize.

    When I served in our military, we believed that America, Americans and the American military certainly were exceptional. I would suggest that if you were to visit Normandy, you might ask some of those who still live there what their opinion is.

    As a Veteran, I didn't like war and I still don't. But acting like Obama who believes that all you have to do is "be nice" and your enemy will like or respect you is a fallacy. Putin is taking advantage of this Administation's weakness and the weakness starts from the top down. That's why the President is called the Commander in Chief. That isn't a title that you get to put up on the shelf when things go wrong. You lead from the front with boldness and confidence born of strength. Like it or not, offensive to your sophomoric ears or not, peace is achieved through superior firepower and not through kowtowing to dictators.

    There is no politically correct way to kill your enemy. I don't care for Putin, but he's proving just what an amateur your Obama really is.

    Why do you always talk as though its your America vs other's America lol?

    Seriously, I am not trying to be funny here. Its as though your assuming some Americans don't want what's best for America, where others do? What ever happened to "our" America?

    I probably shouldn't have posted that... Its not ment to be combative. I mean the OP wants Obama to shut up even more than he is... I see what Obama is doing but not sure the world is ready for a intellectual president and you seem to have disowned him as though what he does has no bearing on you.

    Its just kind of odd. Kind of sad really. Was America and Americans always so divisive?

  4. #114
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    That's the big problem in this country. A certain segment decides they don't like the Pres or the "Big Fed Govt" and it automatically turns into well he's not my Pres or lets get rid of the big Govt problem.

    As long as some folks feel that way this country has no future. Maybe 20-30 years another civil war maybe.

    The problem with "our America" is some folks idea of it is to force the rest to live their way. No different than the Taliban really. Just the brand is different and the degree is different. it's like they say you can be robbed two ways, with a gun and a pen. Most think the gun is more "honest".
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    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  5. #115
    Mr. Myrsol Lakebound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    That's the big problem in this country. A certain segment decides they don't like the Pres or the "Big Fed Govt" and it automatically turns into well he's not my Pres or lets get rid of the big Govt problem.

    As long as some folks feel that way this country has no future. Maybe 20-30 years another civil war maybe.

    The problem with "our America" is some folks idea of it is to force the rest to live their way. No different than the Taliban really. Just the brand is different and the degree is different. it's like they say you can be robbed two ways, with a gun and a pen. Most think the gun is more "honest".
    And yet you probably liked the little cutesy video parody on the Koch Brothers that earcutter provided. Interesting how the leftists progressives and those here who are not even Americans love to demonize "the rich" interest groups and laud Obama as "intelliectual" but fail to point out that they (the leftists) have their own bank rolling sugar daddies.

    George Soros is only but one progressive bank roller for people who are trying to as you put it "force the rest to live their way". The Democracy Alliance, which was founded in 2005 by Democratic strategist Rob SteinThe Democracy Alliance members who must pay approximately $30,000 in annual dues. And, members must also donate at least $200,000 to approved progressive groups.

    This group also solicits contributions from left-wing millionaires and billionaires, and serves as a ‘pass through’ between those donors and top liberal advocacy groups, including the Center for American Progress, Media Matters for America, and Democratic Super PAC Priorities USA.

    So while we have the Obama fans posting funny little videos about how the Koch Brothers are trying to tell the world how to live, we have the same type of behavior on the left and that's where the divided country comes in. But hey, it's easy to pick on the Koch brothers or to compare people to the Taliban when you don't agree with them right? That's just another tactic of the left from Alinsky's Rules for Radicals: Smear your opponent, call him names.

    Let's talk about the other side too and be fair. Let's mention the leftists in America who are pushing their own socialist, progressive and anti-Christian agenda with big dollar contributions:

    Here’s a list of Democracy Alliance’s “new partners” for 2013:

    •Paul Boskind: CEO of Deer Oaks Mental Health Associates and theater producer.
    •Larry Cohen: President of the Communications Workers of America.
    •Randi Weingarten: President of the American Federation of Teachers.
    •George Kohl: Senior director of the Communications Workers of America.
    •Michelle Ringuette: Assistant to the president of the American Federation of Teachers.
    •Amy Goldman: Author, horticulturalist, and daughter of the late New York City real

    And here’s a list of Democracy Alliance’s “new partners” for 2014:

    •Adam Abram: Founder of James River Group, chairman of Franklin Holdings, chairman of Piedmont Community Bank Holdings, former president of Adaron Group.
    •Noel Beasley: President of Workers United, vice president of the Service Employees International Union, chairman of Amalgamated Bank.
    •Keith Mestrich: President of Amalgamated Bank
    •Philip Munger: New School professor, son of Berkshire Hathaway vice chairman Charles Munger.
    •Colin Greer: President of the New World Foundation.
    •Heeten Kalan: Senior program officer at the New World Foundation.
    •Rick Segal: CEO of Seavest, Inc.
    •Ryan Smith: Unknown. It was originally reported that Smith was the CEO of Qualtrics, but that was not the case.
    •Henry van Ameringen: President of the Van Ameringen Foundation, son of Arnold Louis van Ameringen, founder of International Flavors and Fragrances.
    •Dirk Wiggins: Founder of Code for Progress, former director of targeting for Field Strategies, former outreach director for the Florida Democratic Party.

    Maybe we should get back to enjoying straight razor shaving. That's probably the only thing that a few of us will agree on. It's obvious to me that several here are mesmorized by Obama, I get it.

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  6. #116
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    I don't think you do "get it" Frank. Of course "the left" is pushing back lol!

    I particularly enjoy the notion that you think they (the left) are pushing an "anti christian" agenda lol... because clearly no one on the left is a christian lol!! Bahahaha... fyi - some Christians actually believe in America.... and some of them are liberals!!

    Here is a little example:

    In KS - a very Red government has seized the day. They promote christian values and libertarian thought. Of course, the schizophrenic nature of those two words in the same sentience eludes them lol.

    Anyway, on one particular day, these fine people in power decided to address the notion of abortion with this schizophrenic melting of christian values and libertarian thought. Hence, they came up with the grand plan and put into law the notion that were a doctor a christian, said doctor would not have to announce that to their patients (rightfully so) BUT, being said doctor was christian, he or she could forgo their professional obligations to inform the pregnant patient they were seeing that they may die at childbirth or that there were any complications at all with the pregnancy - if that doctor felt that that may lead the patient down the path to abortion... hmmmm.

    So said christian/libertarian values as interpreted by KS law states that a doctor can lie to their clients to preserve what they believe is a moral high ground rather than that which they swore to uphold - the Hippocratic oath.

    Now you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how this little bastardization of the law might destroy that very thing that the founding fathers stood for lol. Of course, pinko liberals fighting for that - is termed a socialist agenda lol.

    When you think of those fellows over at Fox claiming they are fighting for the rights of ranchers in Nevada... heck yeah! But well... it turns out he's nothing more than a thief and a terrorist lol.

    What would really be great is IF those guys at Fox really believed in ranchers and protecting their rights... that they would back all those ranchers losing their lands today - you know, the ones that are being taken by big business under the guise of government appropriations happening en mass right now while they push the Keystone project! But NO!!

    Who do you see fighting that fight?? Those socialist liberals you talk about lol!!

    But wait!! I thought liberals hated what America stood for??? Bahahahahaha

  7. #117
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    It reminds me of a cheap sci-flick from the 70s where the aliens come to town and take over the population and turn them into zombies who do their bidding without any thought at all. Once you drink the kool-aid, well it's all over for you.
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    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  8. #118
    Senior Member Splashone's Avatar
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    I predict a shut down of this thread if the current trend continues.

    I was raised to believe that my rights end where the next person's begin. I think that as a society, we have crossed a line where everyone must be legislated to live within the limits of what group 'x' believes. What is wrong accepting people as they are and as they believe? You want to belong to religion 'x', fine. I believe in religion 'y'. Please don't force your belief's/norms on me or my family. That principle is what lead to the creation of this country. Having lost sight of that, is why we are in our current mess.

    Religion has NO purpose in governance, unless you live in the Vatican.
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  9. #119
    Mr. Myrsol Lakebound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Splashone View Post
    I predict a shut down of this thread if the current trend continues.

    I was raised to believe that my rights end where the next person's begin. I think that as a society, we have crossed a line where everyone must be legislated to live within the limits of what group 'x' believes. What is wrong accepting people as they are and as they believe? You want to belong to religion 'x', fine. I believe in religion 'y'. Please don't force your belief's/norms on me or my family. That principle is what lead to the creation of this country. Having lost sight of that, is why we are in our current mess.

    Religion has NO purpose in governance, unless you live in the Vatican.
    You had better start burning all the currency you have or give it back. You know, all that "In God We Trust" rubbish and all. While you're at it, you might want to start pulling up all of those white Crosses and stars of David in Arlington too (You know, Federal Land and all). While you're busy, you need to stop into the House and Senate and tell them that the vaious engravings referencing God need to be removed too. Let them know that they should stop having an opening prayer to God by the Chaplain as well.

    And yes, the thread will now probably be locked and I will probably get booted because my opinion differs with a few here. And, I dared to mentioned (gasp) God. The leftists don't want open or free speech, they want to shut up the opposition.

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  10. #120
    Mr. Myrsol Lakebound's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    I don't think you do "get it" Frank. Of course "the left" is pushing back lol!

    I particularly enjoy the notion that you think they (the left) are pushing an "anti christian" agenda lol... because clearly no one on the left is a christian lol!! Bahahaha... fyi - some Christians actually believe in America.... and some of them are liberals!!

    Here is a little example:

    In KS - a very Red government has seized the day. They promote christian values and libertarian thought. Of course, the schizophrenic nature of those two words in the same sentience eludes them lol.

    Anyway, on one particular day, these fine people in power decided to address the notion of abortion with this schizophrenic melting of christian values and libertarian thought. Hence, they came up with the grand plan and put into law the notion that were a doctor a christian, said doctor would not have to announce that to their patients (rightfully so) BUT, being said doctor was christian, he or she could forgo their professional obligations to inform the pregnant patient they were seeing that they may die at childbirth or that there were any complications at all with the pregnancy - if that doctor felt that that may lead the patient down the path to abortion... hmmmm.

    So said christian/libertarian values as interpreted by KS law states that a doctor can lie to their clients to preserve what they believe is a moral high ground rather than that which they swore to uphold - the Hippocratic oath.

    Now you don't have to be a rocket scientist to see how this little bastardization of the law might destroy that very thing that the founding fathers stood for lol. Of course, pinko liberals fighting for that - is termed a socialist agenda lol.

    When you think of those fellows over at Fox claiming they are fighting for the rights of ranchers in Nevada... heck yeah! But well... it turns out he's nothing more than a thief and a terrorist lol.

    What would really be great is IF those guys at Fox really believed in ranchers and protecting their rights... that they would back all those ranchers losing their lands today - you know, the ones that are being taken by big business under the guise of government appropriations happening en mass right now while they push the Keystone project! But NO!!

    Who do you see fighting that fight?? Those socialist liberals you talk about lol!!

    But wait!! I thought liberals hated what America stood for??? Bahahahahaha
    You forgot to (conveniently enough) mention the connection Harry Reid's family has with a big contract for a solar panel farm there in Arizona too. That's the real reason that we want those pesky ranchers off State ..... errrr, I mean Federal Land. So this is just about your "big business" right? BLM are the real terrorists here as they are usurping 10th Amendment Rights issues. But you don't care about that pesky little Amendment until it runs against your agenda.

    What a joke.

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