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Thread: UFOs

  1. #31
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    BobH - if aliens were smart enough to travel thousands of light years to get here, and obviously want to remain undetected since they're not actively announcing their presence, why would they need or want lights on their ship? It's not like planes or even the shuttle use headlights to see.

  2. #32
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorEthanolic View Post
    BobH - if aliens were smart enough to travel thousands of light years to get here, and obviously want to remain undetected since they're not actively announcing their presence, why would they need or want lights on their ship? It's not like planes or even the shuttle use headlights to see.
    Interesting that when you mention UFOs everyone immediately thinks of aliens. In this case Unidentified Flying Object means just that, I can not identify what I saw flying last night. Who or what if anything, think drone/RPV, was operating it I have no clue.

    Yes, aircraft do not use lights to see with the exception of being on approach when they just might be of some aid. Many aircraft pass low over my house on final approach so I am very aware of how their lights look day or night. Aircraft do have navigation lights and strobes used in flight to help avoid mid air collisions. Kind of archaic but every little bit helps these days.

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  3. #33
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    It might just be a state of mind Bob... I remember falling head over heels for my wife when I first met her, saying just a few meaningless words and seeing the sky light up with multi-hued stars. Turns out she packs a mean uppercut...


  4. #34
    Orange County N.Y. Suile's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Bob,,,, I doubt it was a UFO, for one single reason; if they have the technology to travel from planet to planet, galaxy to galaxy,,,, then there is not one single thing that would interest them on earth. I believe that Intelligent Life in this universe, wrote us off millions of years ago.
    They might stop at earth to refuel.

  5. #35
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    I saw LOTS of strange and inexplicable stuff at night back in the late 70's and 80's. Staring through a windshield and over the hood of a long nosed conventional for days at a time does that to you. On the other hand,

    maybe it was the road dope.

    I have seen stuff that I couldn't explain then or even attempt to explain now. I'm still puzzled by the 12 meter racing yacht I observed one morning. It was under full sail, and fairly kicking up a rooster tail in the center median of US287 just N of the Canadian River bottoms, South of Dumas. Quite impressive. Still see it in my mind like it happened yesterday.

    Only explanation I can come up with is that it missed a bend in the Canadian River because it was going too fast. You just had to have been there.

    One of my running buddies that had a truck about as fast as my old cow wagon said to me after I asked him to take a picture of the boat, " Willie? Can I buy some sail boat dope you got? Seems to be working."

    Seen other things that make me wonder at times when I wasn't improperly medicated too.

  6. #36
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Yea - I've seen lots of strange lights and stuff at times as well, think it was University and something about mushrooms being magical...lived my own little Harry Potter Hell that night for all started off like this....My God, it's full of stars....

    Last edited by Phrank; 07-25-2014 at 06:23 PM.
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  7. #37
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Phrank View Post
    Yea - I've seen lots of strange lights and stuff at times as well, think it was University and something about mushrooms being magical...lived my own little Harry Potter Hell that night for all started off like this....

    Just what did think you were doing , Phrank?

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  8. #38
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Suile View Post
    They might stop at earth to refuel.
    At $3.75 a gallon and they gotta travel across the galaxy,,,, I doubt it,,,,
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  9. #39
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    I have this neighbor...........I call him Weird Guy, well we had a long talk the other day about The ancients, Giant's, Alien's (Demons to him), Mason's, Chem. trails, SETI, The age we're in and what age's come after this one and lizard people that run the planet.....

    true story.....

  10. #40
    Damn hedgehog Sailor's Avatar
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    What you saw was surely an Unidentified Flying Object. Remains unidentified until someone identifies or explains it. Doesn't mean it's extraterrestrial.

    Personally i think that considering the size of the universe the changes for life are good. Our undestanding and knowledge in science is growing nowadays faster than ever before in history. New satellites, probes and telescopes will surely grow our knowledge much more.

    I also think that IF there's other intelligent folks in the university, cabable of some awkward warp drive or cosmic speeding, they surely wouldn't fly here just to hover somewhere over horizon, make idiotic patterns in the fields or flash some weird light for us to wonder. What would be the point in it? Hijack village idiots from the lonely backroads just to have sex with them or to ask them to tell the world that we should live in peace and harmony? Be nice to each other.

    Could it be that if they were to arrive, they did it the way we wouldn't notice at all. Are they already here (considering some of the folks in my home village, i'm sure they can't be from this planet but from planet of the apes or something).
    Hirlau, Wullie, BobH and 1 others like this.
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