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Thread: UFOs

  1. #51
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    I've been reading a lot of scientific articles lately on my Zite feed (get this for your device if you don't have it already-by far the best app I have ever used, but I digress). Apparently, astronomers have done some statistical extrapolation based on all the galaxies and solar systems they can now see, and hypothesize conservatively that there are almost certainly virtually countless distant planets out there in "the life belt" (not too cold, not too hot, but "just right") that could potentially support life. The notion that we are alone in the universe gets harder and harder to buy as 1st Galileo, then the 1st space mission to look back and film the rising earth, and now super telescopes in space destroy an earth-centric cosmology. And the theory of 'panspermia,' that comets and other space debris collide with and "seed" new life on other planets throughout the universe, has gained a lot of traction in recent years.

    Though I am a huge skeptic, and don't much go in for extraterrestrial visitation/Area 51 type speculation (though of course any UFO is just that, a UFO, at least until and if anyone definitively id's it), I guarantee you, and would bet everything I own, that there is more life "out there," and in more forms, than we could ever begin to fathom or will ever begin to know. Hell, look at the fossil record of the astonishing "alien" life forms that have existed on our own planet in various epochs! If by some miracle we don't destroy ourselves before scientists discover some distant life form, imagine the sociological impact that could have-I could foresee it being both a great and possibly terrible day in human history. Picture it-Planet Earth, united (at last) under some howling demagogue, only brought together by our collective hatred of the alien hordes. But if I were a betting man, a far more likely scenario seems to be that long after we humans have destroyed ourselves in the comparative eyeblink of time we have occupied our little speck of dust, other life forms will be picking through our archaeological ruins looking for clues.

    And no, I haven't gotten into any of Wullie's road dope if you were wondering. I just think a lot about these things.
    Last edited by ScoutHikerDad; 07-26-2014 at 02:38 AM.

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  3. #52
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    And of course there's the potential presumption that we'd even be able to identify/recognize a sapient "life-form" not originating from our planet.
    Neil Miller and Sailor like this.

  4. #53
    Senior Member blabbermouth Hirlau's Avatar
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    300 years from now,,,E.T. aliens will be examining our custom Max Sprechers & Tim Zowada straights & wondering if we used tape.

    Then they will uncover one of these straights & they will know that their alien forefathers had visited earth before;

    Name:  Bruno Reptile Straight.jpg
Views: 93
Size:  42.7 KB

    ,,,,,sorry Bruno, I couldn't resist,,,,,,,,,,,

  5. #54
    Senior Member Wolfpack34's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    300 years from now,,,E.T. aliens will be examining our custom Max Sprechers & Tim Zowada straights & wondering if we used tape.

    Then they will uncover one of these straights & they will know that their alien forefathers had visited earth before;


    Name:  humerus-thumb.gif
Views: 98
Size:  4.9 KB
    ScoutHikerDad and BobH like this.
    Lupus Cohors - Appellant Mors !

  6. #55
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    [SIZE=3][FONT=Comic Sans MS]300 years from now,,,E.T. aliens will be examining our custom Max Sprechers & Tim Zowada straights & wondering if we used tape. :beer2
    Tape? Tape?!! Nano-micro-bevel!!! Don't get me started, Hirlau, or I'll send Wullie and the boys round with sledge hammers to inspect your razor collection.

    See the signs outside your house? A circle and a dot scribed in the dust. The dot is not in the circle. The dot is you. The circle is trust. You are outside the circle of trust.

    We are watching you, The men in black are preparing to pay you a visit. Do not be surprised if you awaken in unfamiliar surroundings one fine day, an operating light mercilessly beaming down on your taped open eyes and the indistinct be-gowned forms of Tom and Tarkus tinkering with sharp, shiny things just on the periphery of vision.

    It is not too late, John. Come in from the cold...


  7. #56
    Senior Member blabbermouth ScoutHikerDad's Avatar
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    "Is it safe?"
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  8. #57
    barba crescit caput nescit Phrank's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScoutHikerDad View Post
    "Is it safe?"
    I agree, there simply a marathon of possibilites when considering the cosmos, but eventually, some wonderful may happen....
    ScoutHikerDad likes this.

  9. #58
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    If a ufo were ever to land in Belgium, and said 'take me to your leader', it would be quite a complicated exercise to figure out that one, considering that we have 6 overlapping governments and a monarch :P
    Til shade is gone, til water is gone, Into the shadow with teeth bared, screaming defiance with the last breath.
    To spit in Sightblinder’s eye on the Last Day

  10. #59
    Thread derailment specialist. Wullie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    If a ufo were ever to land in Belgium, and said 'take me to your leader', it would be quite a complicated exercise to figure out that one, considering that we have 6 overlapping governments and a monarch :P
    Point them at the nearest pub and let them decide.
    ScoutHikerDad likes this.

  11. #60
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Well, all I can say about this is...

    Oh, it came out of the sky
    Landed just a little south of Moline
    Jody fell out of his tractor
    Couldn't believe what he seen

    Laid on the ground and shook
    Fearin' for his life
    Then he ran all the way to town screamin'
    "It came out of the sky"

    Well, a crowd gathered 'round
    And a scientist said, "It was marsh gas"
    A spirit came to make a speech
    About raisin' the Mars tax

    The Vatican said, "Woe, the Lord has come"
    Hollywood rushed out an epic film
    An' Ronnie the popular said, "It was a communist plot"

    Oh, the newspaper came
    And made Jody a national hero
    Walter and Eric said
    They'd put him on a network TV show

    The White House said
    "Put the thing in the Blue Room"
    The Vatican said, "No, it belongs to Rome"
    And Jody said, "It's mine but you can have it for seventeen million"

    Oh, it came out of the sky
    Landed just a little south of Moline
    Jody fell out of his tractor
    Couldn't believe what he's seen

    Laid on the ground a shakin'
    Fearin' for his life
    Then he ran all the way to town screamin'
    "It came out of the sky"
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

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