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Thread: What is wrong with America

  1. #111
    lz6 is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by WW243 View Post
    I'd like all you white collar criminals to stand up and take a bow for ruining countless thousands of lives and being rewarded for it......if you are going to take on the little guy take the big guys down also......and a final word before I start really going crazy on this thread....follow the money.
    So far this thread has remained relatively peaceful. But as it begins to move towards religion
    I would ask the members to be vigilant and respect other's
    opinions without "really going crazy on this thread". Thank you, in advance, to all who post here.
    Last edited by lz6; 11-10-2014 at 03:58 PM.
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    "God is a Havana smoker. I have seen his gray clouds" Gainsburg

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  3. #112
    Fatty Boom Boom WW243's Avatar
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    Just when I thought I was out, they pull me back in: When did it become so difficult to understand the difference between legal and illegal? These arguments about previous immigrations are patently false. Right, we are a Nation of immigrants, even the Native Americans are immigrants but did anyone notice that we are now a country with 2 main languages? Is this because someone went through the immigration process as my Grandmother did when she emigrated from Scotland to the U.S.? No, it is more likely that someone crossed the Rio Grande in their underwear with a floating black garbage bag.
    And no, I don't blame anyone for wanting to come to the United States. Ok, now I'll shut up.
    Last edited by WW243; 11-10-2014 at 03:47 PM.
    "Call me Ishmael"

  4. #113
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    Quote Originally Posted by MajorEthanolic View Post
    I find it funny that people can believe in a God, with zero evidence and only "faith" to dictate, and then deny things like evolution that have hundreds of years of provable, empirical data.
    Quote Originally Posted by Hirlau View Post
    Then your going to find it hilarious that there are people like myself, who believe in both.
    Just to mess with you guys... the big bang theory comes from the work of a Belgian Jesuit priest. And a French Jesuit priest was also very active in paleontology and is credited with the development of modern evolutionary synthesis.

    In most of the rest of the 1st world, there is no such conflict between christian faith and science. In fact, when I was growing up, a catholic school would give you the most hardcore maths/science education... usually thanks to the Jesuit teachers.
    Geezer, Hirlau and Phrank like this.

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  6. #114
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelP View Post
    Just to mess with you guys... the big bang theory comes from the work of a Belgian Jesuit priest. And a French Jesuit priest was also very active in paleontology and is credited with the development of modern evolutionary synthesis.

    In most of the rest of the 1st world, there is no such conflict between christian faith and science. In fact, when I was growing up, a catholic school would give you the most hardcore maths/science education... usually thanks to the Jesuit teachers.
    I feel much the same. I'm a PhD biochemist, and I see no conflict between religion and science unless you want to take the bible literally. As an allegory, it fits perfectly.
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  7. #115
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by MichaelP View Post
    Just to mess with you guys... the big bang theory comes from the work of a Belgian Jesuit priest. And a French Jesuit priest was also very active in paleontology and is credited with the development of modern evolutionary synthesis.

    In most of the rest of the 1st world, there is no such conflict between christian faith and science. In fact, when I was growing up, a catholic school would give you the most hardcore maths/science education... usually thanks to the Jesuit teachers.
    The problem reconciling the two is not usually religion per se, but fundamentalist (if that is the right word) interpretations of the various religions. Interpretations that exclude/deny any other way of looking at the world. Akin to pounding square pegs in round holes rather than making the pieces fit together. Couple that with fervent nationalism and you have a vinegar which sours any attempt of nations/regions to get along together. Just my POV so don't anyone get offended if it is not yours as this is a touchy subject for some.

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  8. #116
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Ok, Guys,
    It is about time to get back on track with some POSITIVE things which may help the country in the future.
    Subjective rants have killed more than one thread, and country!

    Perhaps a rethinking of the possibilities of free speech is in order:
    "The freedoms you have ends with the tip of my nose"
    Keep it polite gents!
    MichaelP, lz6 and Walterbowens like this.
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
    - Oscar Wilde

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  10. #117
    rhensley rhensley's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Geezer View Post
    Ok, Guys,
    It is about time to get back on track with some POSITIVE things which may help the country in the future.
    Subjective rants have killed more than one thread, and country!

    Perhaps a rethinking of the possibilities of free speech is in order:
    "The freedoms you have ends with the tip of my nose"
    Keep it polite gents!
    I had a school teacher that once told me that my business ended where his began. Some times I believe that the problem with this country and any country is professional politicians. those who have never worked a job in there life or served there country .

  11. #118
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by pixelfixed View Post
    And just where do's all the technology get created??,America is the Brain trust of the entire world,always have been,always will be
    America used to be the "Brain Trust" of the entire world because it scooped up the brightest people from around the world. But of course... the "screw the foreigners war cry" has been heard loud and clear, and the educated aren't coming in droves like they once were. So there - you're winning.

    India at least has plans to visit Mars. Europe just put a thing on a rock some six billion miles away, and China is planing on the moon. What's America doing? Oh yeah - outsourcing its space program.

    Don't confuse wanted immigration with unwanted.
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  12. #119
    Senior Member ultrasoundguy2003's Avatar
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    I believe in One true God. and the majority of organized religions have not followed the spec book.
    There are politicians who want to do good , Lobbyist have ruined many a good intention.

    James Madison Stated to an unidentified correspondent — 1833 AD

    "It has been said that all Government is an evil. It would be more proper to say that the necessity of any Government is a misfortune. This necessity however exists; and the problem to be solved is, not what form of Government is perfect, but which of the forms is least imperfect."

    And now, for a conundrum:

    James Madison
    Federalist No. 51 — 1788 AD
    "If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place, oblige it to control itself."

    Tag I am out thats the best I got for this thread. Well till you guys get me going again.
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    Your only as good as your last hone job.

  13. #120
    Senior Member MajorEthanolic's Avatar
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    Haven't read the thread, but I'll respond to the topic headline...

    Biggest problem I see with the country is a loss of rights. The 4th amendment against illegal search/seizure has been destroyed by the drug war. You can now have your property searched/seized with no evidence and it will cost you more than the value of the property to contest the seizure in court. We incarcerate more people than China or Russia under Stalin. We have a "for profit" prison system where states LITERALLY guarantee to the company a certain level of inmate population, and property forfeiture which doesn't match the crime (1 guy loses a $1000 car for a DUI, while another guy loses a $50,000 car. Same crime, very different penalties). We've gone from police with the motto "to protect and serve" to police with the motto of "obey".
    Geezer likes this.

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