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Thread: Love This Place

  1. #1
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Default Love This Place

    Happy Earth Day everyone!

    Do something good for the planet today, preferably something new, that you're not used to doing and make it something you can do every day until next year when you can add something else to the list.

    Some suggestions:
    Walk or bike instead of taking the car on short trips.
    Use cloth shopping bags instead of always using plastic.
    Buy more locally grown and organic foods.
    Turn off the light whenever you're the last to leave the room.
    Plant a tree.
    Start collecting your Batteries for proper disposal rather than simply dumping them.

    There are lots of other good ideas out there and everybody is at their own level of development, but the planet will love you for making the effort.


  2. #2
    Harry the Penmaker
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    Shave with a straight razor and shaving soap to reduce waste caused by cans and razor cartridges.

    Oh wait, we already do!

  3. #3
    Loudmouth FiReSTaRT's Avatar
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    Start riding a bike instead of driving a car

  4. #4
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    Just took both boats to the marina and topped them off with fuel 700 gallons diesel 325 gasoline Regards Gary

  5. #5
    JMS is offline
    Usagi Yojimbo JMS's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traveller View Post
    Just took both boats to the marina and topped them off with fuel 700 gallons diesel 325 gasoline Regards Gary

    I'm glad somebody else said it before me!!

  6. #6
    Razorsmith JoshEarl's Avatar
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    I mowed my lawn with my new reel lawnmower yesterday. It worked pretty well, and I expect that it'll get better as I learn how to use this thing...

    I'm not an environmentalist in the sense that I think humanity is a disease on the planet... But I do believe in consuming less wherever possible. We're a little too quick to buy things and throw them away...


  7. #7
    Super Shaver xman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Traveller View Post
    Just took both boats to the marina and topped them off with fuel 700 gallons diesel 325 gasoline Regards Gary
    You're allowed to do that, but it doesn't count as an Earth Day event. Learning to sail would.


  8. #8
    Senior Member sstulken80's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by JoshEarl View Post
    I mowed my lawn with my new reel lawnmower yesterday. It worked pretty well, and I expect that it'll get better as I learn how to use this thing...
    Too cool. Here's the one I'm trying to restore...
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  9. #9
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    I live in Germany, which is probably one of the most environmentally concious places on the planet. I am spending a few days in England for business and visiting Family at the moment, and I am amazed at how quickly I have gotten used to the recycle recycle recycle way of life - to the extent that I am finding the amount of waste the UK creates as offensive. A few little examples;

    I bought a bottle of water, and of course carried it around once empty waiting to pass a shop where I could get the deposit back. I hated myself for putting it in the bin in the end.

    My mum lives alone, and has a bin the size of a small car, and it gets collected every week. My girlfriend and I have a 60 liter bin that costs us an arm and a leg and it gets collected every second week - and we get by.

    Went to Tescos to get some groceries, and my mum wanted to use three plastic bags for the cold stuff, the room temperature stuff, and the solids. In Germany you don't even get plastic bags at the checkout.

    Its really not that hard to make these little steps - we use Ikea bags in the boot of the car and just dump the trolleys worth of shopping straight into that. Added advantage that its a lot easier to carry an ikea bag full of groceries up 4 flights of stairs to our flat. We drive past a recycling place on the way to work, and we share the car as we work in the same building. Sometimes I am waiting for her at the end of the shift, sometimes her me, but it works. And you get to slag off your boss at the end of the day on the way home in the car so you don't ruin the karma at home with negativity.

    Of course we could do more. We do drive a big mercedes, and though very fuel efficient, a smaller car would be better of course. We like tropical fruits, which have used up a large chunk of the environment just to get to our local supermarket...

  10. #10
    Senior Member Traveller's Avatar
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    Dear X Man,
    I already know how to sail,but after reading your post that I wouldnt be allowed any carbon credits for filling my boats,I got to feeling kind of guilty ,and made an attempt to do something Green.
    I asked my trophy wife if she would consider selling one of the Hummers (9MPG) and replacing it with an Excursion(12MPG)She gave me a strange look and asked what I was up to.I explained that I was going to save the Planet(She says the planet is just fine,it's the people that are F***** up,and if we could just get rid of 3/4 billion of them we would be just great) She also said she was going to order me a new red Dodge Viper (6MPG) and see if this would bring me to my senses. She also says that I am an Alpha male who after fighting and clawing his way to the top of the food chain deserves better than driving around in some POS corn cob burning Flex vehicle S*** box.She makes more sense to me ,than Al Gore,so I will go with her recommendations.
    PS She's driving me up to Houston on Friday to pick up the Viper,(If they can get the twin turbos and performance package installed by then( options drop it down to 4MPG)
    Best Regards( it's Great to be Me) Gary
    Last edited by Traveller; 04-23-2007 at 10:48 PM.

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