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Thread: The Pulse Shooting

  1. #11
    lobeless earcutter's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by thebigspendur View Post
    Our society has been in decline for many years now and this is in keeping with a world wide phenomena of increasing violence and more intolerance as well as deteriorating physical conditions on Earth.

    I have always felt the human race is reaching an important milestone where folks will wake up and decide to live in peace with each other and solve the vital problems or it will just descend into total chaos.

    I'm not an optimistic person.
    Hopefully all this BS is the blip that history shows that allowed us to see how much we all need each other.

    For the love of Pete! We have to catch a ride with the Russians to get to the space station we built anymore! How much more clear does it have to become?

  2. #12
    FAL is offline
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    Quote Originally Posted by earcutter View Post
    Hopefully all this BS is the blip that history shows that allowed us to see how much we all need each other.

    For the love of Pete! We have to catch a ride with the Russians to get to the space station we built anymore! How much more clear does it have to become?
    Seems everything is Upside down and Bass ackwards, ALL meant to confuse the general public, Works very well don't you think?

    The ELITE do Not care One little bit about Getting along and Harmony, ONLY about their selves and THEIR Agenda, Surely David you see that? Do we need each other? Living in Harmony would be Wonderful, I Wish that could be, but be real, NOT going to happen.
    I could Live MUCH More Happy with the Super wealthy NOT wealthy any more, they would kill themselves if their Money was taken from them, also they could not do so much EVIL without $$$, for $$ is THE ROOT of Evil, Right?

  3. #13
    Senior Member Suticat's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gflight View Post
    Politicians and news media live off of hate and people will always have their biases. Humans have hated one another since the beginning and will continue to do so.

    Have a great day...
    Yep, my wife used to work at a newspaper. In sales not as a reporter. The core of the news is a business to generate moneys. People want paid to do their jobs. Rule number one within reporter culture is that sensationalism sells. Big flashy bold headlines to get you sucked in. It's not a myth is a fact. Then they hide behind the First Amendment even if they get the story wrong. Then they bury the retraction in a section that no-one reads weeks later. Accuracy is not the primary for these guys. They are hungry and want paid pure and simple. Additionally most newspapers are intentionally written at a 6th grade level. Dumbing down the story even further.

    With that in mind, is it any wonder we think the world is full of hate when thats all we see in our news? So many more good deeds go unreported because they are not profitable.
    Last edited by Suticat; 06-12-2016 at 11:09 PM.
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  4. #14
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    Boy, that is true Suticat, one has to Look for the Good like you say, yes there is a lot of good in the world, it just gets walked on by Evil and stomped into obscurity most times.

    Media Certainly Loves SHOCK VALUE.
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    More Free stuff! Free food, (EBT cards), Free housing, Free utilities, Free cell phones, Free everything! Just give up your rights and we will take care of you! So say our benevolent government! Bah humbug. Since when has work been a dirty word, and supporting yourself means going to the welfare office? Made up numbers by the government of jobs created, and made up unemployment numbers. More people out of work and more time to stir up trouble and get in trouble! No respect for self, property, and others! No respect of law and order! Fractured families with fathers and/or mothers missing or in prison! Open borders with our public officials in open defiance of of our laws. Sanctuary cities openly ignoring Federal Law! No wonder the public break laws when they see our public officials breaking laws and not suffering the consequences! Did I miss anything? What a sad sad country this is becoming. Lock and load and keep your powder dry.

    Just curious here, I wonder if this nightclub was a, "gun free" zone? So sad for all those people killed and those injured. And their families too. This incident will be used by the anti-gun people to, "do their thing", no doubt!

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  6. #16
    Heat it and beat it Bruno's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by tintin View Post
    the world would be a better place if we didn't know what was going on all the time. the correlation between overly covered news events has been shown to bring an increase in such copy-cat events as well as numbing us to the shock and outrage of such. JMHO
    An interesting issue I've read about recently is that the numbers are sensationalized, and every next wackadoodle is apparently trying to one-up the previous one.
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  7. #17
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Very sad, and your right the anti,s will be out in force, but will not say that one man carrying legal could have shut this down. We do life in a world that hates, I admit to being very intolerant myself, we life n a time where all we hear is the bad. God help us. Tc
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  8. #18
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bruno View Post
    An interesting issue I've read about recently is that the numbers are sensationalized, and every next wackadoodle is apparently trying to one-up the previous one.

    No more press for Wackadoodle's!

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  9. #19
    Senior Member blabbermouth RezDog's Avatar
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    I have a desire for unity and tolerance. I do not understand why people would choose to be so hateful, so intolerant, so violent without provocation. It is dangerous times we live in. I think it is a good time to bake your neighbors pies, and share good times.
    It's not what you know, it's who you take fishing!

  10. #20
    FAL is offline
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    With some of the books I have read in the last two years, I Know, that our U.S. Gov. CREATES more whacko's for Evil purposes than many other Gov. combined.

    Read, Dr. Mary's Monkey. And "Me and Lee" about Lee Harvey Oswald (CIA Trained) Mind control by the Gov. is NO JOKE.

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