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Thread: The Pulse Shooting

  1. #21
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    I am led to believe that most of the hate results are caused by groups of persons afraid to be LESS THAN THE GROUP CONSENSES deems necessary. The most fearful get to the top by making others seem fearful. Look at the internal murders and torture becoming common in the organized terror groups.
    Thing of a college frat... you gotta live up to the consenses of the group... but, and a big but that is, the group gets nastier as time passes and tries to outdo the old guard. no-one dares to admit being less than.
    i feel bad for anyone recruited into a secretive group of any kind. How are they to know whether it is real or a shadow, run by less than integral persons?
    dinnermint, earcutter and FAL like this.
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  2. #22
    Senior Member kelbro's Avatar
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    His hate for a sexual preference aside, I still can't get over the fact that a human went into a club and shot over 100 other unarmed humans.
    earcutter, Marshal and FAL like this.

  3. #23
    Senior Member blabbermouth 10Pups's Avatar
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    This country is under the influence of LSD. Liberal Socialist Democracy. The core of our values is being destroyed from within by those in control of that 110" boob tube everyone seems to worship. I am with Spendur on this one. Optimistic my buttox prepare for insanity. Donald may start it all off but that is better than suffering any longer, in my opinion. By the way , I am ready, hope you all are too :<0)

    Example of what I mean ::: Trump supporters at a rally are made to exit through a crowd of egg, tomato and stone throwing illegals and other criminals with 250 cops standing watching, and it is said they brought it on themselves. But the wacko Muslim in this case may have attended a Mosque in Orlando (in April) where quest speaker Sahibby la bibbi whatever can call for all to kill gays because it is their duty as a good Muslims to relieve them of their sinful ways. Did gays bring it on themselves?

    Anyone who thinks this is fair or this is freedom of religion is on LSD. As far as that goes if you have no idea what I am talking about , check yourself. You may be under the influence of the BooB tube :<0)
    Last edited by 10Pups; 06-13-2016 at 02:52 AM.
    Geezer, Marshal and FAL like this.
    Good judgment comes from experience, and experience....well that comes from poor judgment.

  4. #24
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Interesting, our real protectors are being destroyed by led,s . Those who stand for sanity are ridiculed or removed from effectivness. Money from any sources has control. Look up and follow back the high rollers that fund the campaigns at any level. Not some bodies that would be good friends.My worry is the new openings to be filled in the Supreme Court. Six of them over the next few years...appointed by presidential whim.
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
    - Oscar Wilde

  5. #25
    Truth is weirder than any fiction.. Grazor's Avatar
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    Deepest sympathy to the victims and families of this terrible tragedy.

    "Good will forever prevail over evil, simply because it is outnumbered."...Anon.
    Into this house we're born, into this world we're thrown ~ Jim Morrison

  6. #26
    A Fully-Fleshed Brethren Brenngun's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FAL View Post
    I believe that we started HATING More, when the Dot Gov.'s started campaigns to "MAKE us less tolerant", that seems to be the purpose of Media today. The Dot.Gov's WANT another Civil War, Why you ask?? because they want to Reduce population by 95% World Wide. The Elite only want enough SERVANTS left to wait on them and run critical work attributed to "Their" well being, they care Nothing about the common man or family's not their own. Look up Agenda 21, it's all in there In Print.
    I warn you though, as it did Me, the knowledge that you take in will make you a Much less happy person for you will see many things that will click, epiphanies that can Not be denied.

    There are the Worst of times coming to this continent, First the financial collapse, then the electric grid will be shut down, EMP pulse to disable vehicles etc.

    Riots because the Free Stuff Army, (Imported instant Democrats) will be hungry because their EBT cards won't work. Next, the NATO boys will be called in to keep continuity of Government, which may not be workable because by that time...... I'll stop here as I do Not want to get Banned again, just trying to converse about touchy subjects. Cheers and have a nice day.
    So FAL should I assume you keep your BOB within reach at all times? I hope it has at least one tampon. Handy item if you happen to be dealing with a sucking chest wound.
    jmercer likes this.
    Keep your concentration high and your angles low!

    Despite the high cost of living, it's still very popular.

  7. #27
    Senior Member blabbermouth
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    Quote Originally Posted by Grazor View Post
    "Good will forever prevail over evil, simply because it is outnumbered."...Anon.
    I wish I could believe that, but from where I sit it seems like the wicked - and those influenced by them - are growing in number by the day and will outnumber the good soon if they do not already.

    This is but a symptom of a disease we've allowed to grow for far too long. A sensationalist media giving scumbags like this fame, setting up a sick game where every whack job is looking for the new high score is almost as culpable as the shooter themselves. All so they can get a few more viewers, sell a few more papers, get a few more subscribers. Sick is what it is. There's a reason Japan will not allow the names and faces of this kind of nut to be published - they don't get fame there. They don't get recognition. So this doesn't happen as often.

    And then there's the politicians. Can't let the bodies get cold in the morgue - much less allow the families time to mourn and bury the dead - before it gets politicized to push an agenda. Can't even let the blood start to cool on the pavement, no it has to be politicized immediately. Never let a tragedy go to waste. Absolutely stomach churning.

    And then there's the trigger man (I use the term man loosely) himself. My God the man was investigated not once, but TWICE for possible terrorist ties. I'm having an awfully hard time thinking this guy just magically slipped through the cracks. This was a sick individual. And I'm fairly convinced the powers that be were aware of his instability.

  8. #28
    The Hurdy Gurdy Man thebigspendur's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal View Post
    I wish I could believe that, but from where I sit it seems like the wicked - and those influenced by them - are growing in number by the day and will outnumber the good soon if they do not already.

    This is but a symptom of a disease we've allowed to grow for far too long. A sensationalist media giving scumbags like this fame, setting up a sick game where every whack job is looking for the new high score is almost as culpable as the shooter themselves. All so they can get a few more viewers, sell a few more papers, get a few more subscribers. Sick is what it is. There's a reason Japan will not allow the names and faces of this kind of nut to be published - they don't get fame there. They don't get recognition. So this doesn't happen as often.

    And then there's the politicians. Can't let the bodies get cold in the morgue - much less allow the families time to mourn and bury the dead - before it gets politicized to push an agenda. Can't even let the blood start to cool on the pavement, no it has to be politicized immediately. Never let a tragedy go to waste. Absolutely stomach churning.

    And then there's the trigger man (I use the term man loosely) himself. My God the man was investigated not once, but TWICE for possible terrorist ties. I'm having an awfully hard time thinking this guy just magically slipped through the cracks. This was a sick individual. And I'm fairly convinced the powers that be were aware of his instability.
    You have no idea how many wackos there are out there who say things and do things but are harmless as far as terrorist actions go. It's impossible for Law Enforcement to keep tabs on everyone and decide who will act and who won't. The best we could do when I was on the job is just keep a list and see if their names keep coming up. It's gonna be up to the community to report these guys when they say and do things otherwise we all better get used to many many orlandos and and they will keep getting bigger and bigger.

    The saddest thing is we all become dulled by it and it means nothing anymore just a passing event until of course it touches you personally.
    No matter how many men you kill you can't kill your successor-Emperor Nero

  9. #29
    Senior Member blabbermouth tcrideshd's Avatar
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    Maybe I,m a cold calloused bastard, but I,m confused how he was able to shoot all these people by himself, he didn't have a 500 round gun, a lot of our population is laying down and being executed. This wacko should have been taken out shortly after going in, and that's where I think we're doing a bad job of protecting ourselves. When I hear about these things it really makes me think, how many times did he reload? And we're there no security at a club this large? I agree the LEO can't keep up with all of it, don't die n your knees these kind of people have to be shown that we can't be intimidated. Of course he did pick a spot that he was fairly confident that he was in a non gun place. He sure as hell didn't kick down the doors of a police station. Rants over, hope the families get some peace. Tc
    “ I,m getting the impression that everyone thinks I have TIME to fix their bikes”

  10. #30
    Senior Member blabbermouth Geezer's Avatar
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    Evening News has shown another wacko on the way to a gay get-together. Car full of weapons.
    Gotta love the media!
    Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.
    - Oscar Wilde

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